Economy 7 Questions

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New member
Jul 3, 2015
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Hi there

I am new to this forum and joined to find out what is going on with my E7.
Last Wednesday the E7 came on during the day when it should only come on at 22:30 and goes off at 07:30. I switched it of at the switch in the boiler/immertion heater cupboard and then switched it on manually again at 22:30. The next day and ever since that day it has been fine till today,again on a Wednesday.

My question's are, who or what controls the E7 timer and why is this happening?
British Gas says that it is the boiler that is playing up, I can't understand why or how this can be.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Your op was a little vague I'm afraid...

Are we talking about E7 night storage heating or hot water heating?

I'm guessing that it's hot water..

In your airing cupboard do you have a rectangular box (about 20cm x 15cm) with a time clock, boost dial and on off switch? a Horstman (type) time clock?

So what exactly are you turning off?

When you say boiler do you mean the immersion heater  fitted into the hot water cylinder ?

The E7  times are controlled by your supply company. There can be 2 different types  (they do have different names that vary), one only switches on the E7 supply  between 22.30-7.30, all other times its off. The other type uses your normal electrics that are on 24/7  but only swaps the tarriff to 'off peak' at the same times

The important question here is do you have your OWN timer in or near the immersion heater to set the times it comes on, or are you rellying on the suppliers time switch (which can be one of many sorts)

Look in your meter cupboard and describe what you have, it might be an old mechanical time switch, it might be a radio teleswitch, or it might be the most modern one where the time switch is built into the dual rate meter.

What have you got in your airing cupboard. If for instance you have some type of horstman boost controller tell us the model number and what switches and dials it has.

Sorry for being a bit late on reply. Problem have been solved. Thanks for your answers

