More doom n' gloom on the financial front by the sound of it .
Our economy has picked up by 0.005 of a mm or some such thing .
But our credit rating is now higher than the USA , not bad for a bankrupt country, with no manufactering base left, a banking system run by upper class gansters and an inept government who think the answer to everything is to increase immigration so that more people can draw benifits and send 50% of it out of the country.
Our economy has picked up by 0.005 of a mm or some such thing .
But our credit rating is now higher than the USA , not bad for a bankrupt country, with no manufactering base left, a banking system run by upper class gansters and an inept government who think the answer to everything is to increase immigration so that more people can draw benifits and send 50% of it out of the country.