Electric Shower Woes

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New member
Nov 7, 2013
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Evening All,

As you can probably gather, I'm new to this site, so please be gentle....

Anyway, last year we bought a bigger house that needed a fair amount of modernisation, with the electrics being one of my biggest concerns.

My background is a time served electrical engineer at Square D, but left the industry a good 10 years ago, but have a sound knowledge of electrical engineering, but not totally 100% up on the latest regs.

I've replaced the old 4 way fuse box with a square D split load (6+6) consumer unit fitted with a 100A incommer and 2 x 80A RCDs and various rated circuit breakers.

Also fitted were 2 MCBO breakers for the 2 electrical showers we have fitted. One was already in situ and the other is a new addition in the extension.

The shower that was already in situ had it's own supply from the fuse box via a separate fused isolator. This has now been stripped out and the supply added to the new consumer unit via the MCBO.

The copper pipe that runs to the shower has an earth cable clamped to it, which is visible in the shower enclosure and quite unsightly.

Now, my question: being as I have now replaced the aged fuse system with a modern consumer unit with earth leakage protection, do I still need this earth cable on the copper pipe at the incoming supply if the shower?

Sorry about the waffle, but thought it wise to give the whole picture rather than snippets.

Any help would be much appreciated.


You don't need an earth cable on the pipe feeding the shower.

but you DO need to ensure the incoming water supply is properly bonded to the CU from a clamp close to the stop c o c k.

Thanks Andy and ProDave. Much appreciated.

I have an earth bond on the incoming water supply as it enters the house, so all is good there.

Well, guess it's back to fitting the shower then.

Thanks again.
