Emergency Lighting Certs

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New member
Oct 28, 2013
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Hi I wonder if some one could help me I have recently become  approved and I have had a couple of phone call asking if I can test emergency lighting and issue a certificate as the council have asked for one and I have only installed new circuits or replaced them. I have had a look on the niceic shop and all I can see is emergency completion certificate is this the one I need to get to sign of as it has on it design , completion ,installation and verification on it other wise what other one is there to use

thanks for all your help


In order to carry out any works on emergency lighting you should already have a copy of this. However the question you are asking refers to the periodic checks carried out to verify that everything still works and that the original design is still valid. The checks include the full 3 hour run down, and very often non conformities occur because of other lighting having to be disconnected from supply whilst this test is carried out. You will also require a light test meter to evaluate the lux readings, without these you cannot confirm that the output meets the requirements.

A very important and overlooked requirement is adequate insurance just in case your findings and advise is found to be lacking.

Picking a time to do the test is important, or have standby systems in place.

what is going to happen if you do a 3 hour test, then an hour after you leave there is an emergency and the lights are required BUT your test has flattened the batteries and so they have not had time to recharge?

...just a thought
Ahh this is where a full discharge test is done on battery packs. No need to run down for three hours just test the packs on constant discharge, then calculate the total available power. Similar test with fire alarm batteries.

issue the failure notice, and when the lighting fails after you have left, your report is correct and indeed full in content.
