If it's any kind of 'company' workshop (ie people are employed to operate machines), I'd say you pretty much have to fit HF fittings for H&S. Any moving machinary can appear to be stationary if the 'speed' of the machine matches the frequency of the lights (50Hz). Even the bandsaw if the blade speed is such that 50 teeth per second pass a stationary point.
If it's a private workshop then the client has the choice. However in this case I would recommend in writing to fit HF - no comeback later if the client declines your advice.
When I first started my apprenticeship back in 1983, we had a half day safety talk as part of the first weeks induction course. We were shown photos of real injuries caused by various mishaps. Some of the group were sick at the sight of some of the more gruesome pictures.
Never discount the possibility of an accident, no matter how wierd or unlikely it may sound. For example, in around 1989 'we' had a chap decapitated by an entrance barrier!! Even at the time it was hard to believe, but I was on site that day and it was in all the local press that night.