Yes, but the big difference was, the tory idiots are obsessed with the "deficit" yes?? This being the difference between our exports and imports basically, well, in them days things were just a bit different.. Everyone had a chance of a job for life. My street is nothing special, i suppose rates a 7 or 8 out of ten as far as this area is concerned, but an ordinary working bloke could buy a house here.
Now, no way can youngsters afford a house, the state owned houses have all been sold off for pennies, you turn a light on...Import... You turn a tap on... Import.. You go on a train...Import...You post a letter...Import.. and so it goes on...
They then wonder why the country is skint!!!!!
With all the coal we could have been self sufficient for power, there would have been next to full employment, communities would not have been blighted, people would have been too busy to bother with drugs...
The tories wrecked the lot.
The scottish hate them,. and little wonder, they gave away all the fish and destroyed their fishing industry, closed Ravenscraig and the like, got rid of their ship yards or most of them. All the tories wanted scotland for is the oil...
They have never done anything for the ordinary person. NHS??? Labour.. Minimum wage?? Labour.. Everything that has ever been done to help the working man...Labour. All the tories have done is to sell off EVERYTHING and then give what was left to the banks.
Nearly forgot..
They harp on about "inheritance tax" and how they will get rid of this etc etc.
What they omit to tell you, is that when you are old and need healthcare they will take your house to pay for it, so, by the time the time comes, there will be no house for anyone to inherit anyway THEY WILL HAVE TAKEN THE LOT, never mind a percentage.....