Hager Cu - Vc7563U

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Mad Inventor™
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2011
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Can anybody please advise which extra terminal bar I need for  Hager CU ref VC7563U it's the 5+6+3 one with the unprotected ways. It'll be a "VAT**" but I'm not sure which one.


Is this what you are after OnOff?


Andy Guinness
To your first question then no. it only has 2 RCDs. It has a 100A incomer then 5 protected ways on one RCD, 6 on the other RCD and 3 unprotected ways. First time I've used Hager tbh, should be here shortly but as I understand they DON'T come with the neutral bar for the unprotected ways. Ref the TLC part - not sure!

are you sure you are meant to buy it separately? could it be it got left out by accident? 

are you sure you are meant to buy it separately? could it be it got left out by accident? 
Not got the CU yet as I only ordered it Christmas Eve. It's just that one of the other sites I looked at before ordering, I'm sure mentioned the need for the extra block.............though I can't now find it!

I'll email the place where I eventually got it from (Gil-lec btw). 

If it's not included then no big deal as It'll only delay wiring the dedicated fridge / freezer socket (on it's own RCBO). 


What you need is a terminal bar, neutral link and extra busbar.  Which ones depend on how many terminals you need.

All can be found here

Cheers for that, that's the link I in fact used when selecting the cu. As I said I've not use a Hager CU as yet but only ever hear good things so figured I'd try one. Just thought somewhere they would go into the "need" for the extra bits on their site, maybe not.

Well when I re read your post it appears you should already have the bits,  I used the 3 mentioned to convert a dual RCD consumer unit so it could have unprotected ways.

I have used Hagar consumer units for about 10 yrs now and have never had to buy 'extra' parts to make the do what they are sold to do. If you ordered a 5/6/3 board, (which I have used before) you will get 3 neutral bars. You shouldn't need to buy extra parts to make it work how its designed.

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Hager supply the dual-rcd 10 way boards as either two neutral bars or three. Ask for the right one

I have used Hagar consumer units for about 10 yrs now and have never had to buy 'extra' parts to make the do what they are sold to do. If you ordered a 5/6/3 board, (which I have used before) you will get 3 neutral bars. You shouldn't need to buy extra parts to make it work how its designed.

Hager supply the dual-rcd 10 way boards as either two neutral bars or three. Ask for the right one


The supplier had to get it in from Hager as a special order as it wasn't a stock item. Part of the order is also for an RCBO so fingers crossed it will all come in with the right bits.

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Previously always a Wylex fan. I've just taken delivery of my first Hager CU and think tbh the attention to detail is lovely! Little flip down clear covers on each mcb to go over the label (though oddly not on the RCBO's?), nice sharp action on the switches, and decent screws. But I get the the comment ref the spirit level.........it's TINY and the bubble is miniscule!

Did the wholesalers manage to get you a extra neutral bar and link from hager, I've got a similar problem ?

Did the wholesalers manage to get you a extra neutral bar and link from hager, I've got a similar problem ?
I did get an extra bar from TLC before the CU arrived but turned out I didn't need it as said above. When it came to fit it, due to space limitations, I actually ended up using the next (still Hager) enclosure size down and swapping bits to make the unit I wanted mounted at the height I wanted. What do you want in terms of a bar, as in how many ways? I may have a spare you can have in the post and some of the little plastic clips lying about.

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