Help needed for a student

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When you say 'student', which manufacturer are you doing market research for really?

Well, if I were a market research professional, the survey would be far longer and detailed for one. Just need 2 more responses (to make 20) and I'm out of here. Thanks guys :)

Some of the questions don't have appropriate answers available to tick. :(
bad survey design - i apologise. what did you want to answer that wasn't available?

bad survey design - i apologise. what did you want to answer that wasn't available?
think it was page 5 (or is it called Q5??)

something about factors that effect your choice of weatherproof socket...

Appearance!? (can be an issue on the front of a property.)

also if Socket is for permanent use or temporary use...


water feature may require socket plugged in 24/7 365 days per year..

But a lawn mower only need to be on for a short time every few weeks!

Some sockets CANNOT be closed with the plugs in..

Others can! ;)

think it was page 5 (or is it called Q5??)something about factors that effect your choice of weatherproof socket...

Appearance!? (can be an issue on the front of a property.)

also if Socket is for permanent use or temporary use...


water feature may require socket plugged in 24/7 365 days per year..

But a lawn mower only need to be on for a short time every few weeks!

Some sockets CANNOT be closed with the plugs in..

Others can! ;)
Thanks for the tips! Really appreciate it.
