In my opinion:
It strikes me that you are looking at carrying out some fairly expensive work based on third hand information and guesswork.
This not a lack of job experience or knowledge on your part, but a failure to provide a clear requirement. Such requirement should be agreed with both the supply authority and the building services engineer.
You need either a proper written specification of what you are required to provide or an on site meeting with the supply authority engineer, and probably also the building services designer.
It strikes me that you are looking at carrying out some fairly expensive work based on third hand information and guesswork.
This not a lack of job experience or knowledge on your part, but a failure to provide a clear requirement. Such requirement should be agreed with both the supply authority and the building services engineer.
You need either a proper written specification of what you are required to provide or an on site meeting with the supply authority engineer, and probably also the building services designer.