Help with time delay light switches

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Feb 14, 2016
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Please could someone advise me on this.

I'm wanting to replace 2 old time delay light switches as one of the is intermittently faulty i have bought 2 new ones to replace them with but i thought it was going to be a simple like for like wiring swap but it turns out not!

There are 2 switches that control 3 lights i have attached a link to the photos of the old and new switches,

I hope someone can help :)


That old mk time delay was a good unit. If its the other retractive switch  faulty they can still be purchased.  

Turn off first. Connect the  2 reds to the 2 terminals on the new switch then double up on them with the red & yellow. The other switch just has the red &  yellow to the new switch terminals.

Your new switches are 2  the same where as the old ones were  a master and slave

Your original,setup,looks like a master and slave

master is the one with 4 wires

slave.   Red yellow wires.....i assume you hold the switch down to dim and it releases when you let go.....a bit like a door bell ( retractive switch)

if this is the case then i cannot see your new switches working

just a there a blue wire that has been 'cut off' where the red and yellow are?

just saying

That old mk time delay was a good unit. If its the other retractive switch  faulty they can still be purchased.  

Turn off first. Connect the  2 reds to the 2 terminals on the new switch then double up on them with the red & yellow. The other switch just has the red &  yellow to the new switch terminals.

Your new switches are 2  the same where as the old ones were  a master and slave

Do you mean supply and load reds in to the "in" and the "X& Y" in to the out ????

Yup,  you wont know which way round but it wont cause any damage trying.

Your original,setup,looks like a master and slave

master is the one with 4 wires

slave.   Red yellow wires.....i assume you hold the switch down to dim and it releases when you let go.....a bit like a door bell ( retractive switch)

if this is the case then i cannot see your new switches working

just a there a blue wire that has been 'cut off' where the red and yellow are?

just saying
Bit early for the vino, who mentioned dimmer

Yup,  you wont know which way round but it wont cause any damage trying.

Bit early for the vino, who mentioned dimmer

I blame last nights excesses.......a particularly fine Chilean Merlot, Danxska Blackcurrant Vodka and a King Prawn Chilli Masala


That old mk time delay was a good unit. If its the other retractive switch  faulty they can still be purchased.  

Turn off first. Connect the  2 reds to the 2 terminals on the new switch then double up on them with the red & yellow. The other switch just has the red &  yellow to the new switch terminals.

Your new switches are 2  the same where as the old ones were  a master and slave

Thanks everyone

All working like a dream, thanks for all the help  :signthankspin:
