I do not know if this is in the right place, and as I am a newbie .....well here goes. I have a Triton Shower Pumped version of the T80Si, Over the past week I have noticed it giving shocks while in use, needless to say I have isolated it and made it out of bounds. The source of the shocks are from shower hose that connects the out feed to the shower head, and it only shows a signal when the heater is on, if the heater is not used the signal from the hose goes. I have just paid for a Triton engineer to come out and Fault find. He diagnosed the heater so replaced it, he ran the shower and found no issue ! So I thought great, I will have a shower I tested it using just a screw driver circuit tester, it showed no issue. So I got in and Half way through my shower tested the hose, it showed a live signal. So I have now isolated the shower again. Some things to note - Firstly I have had my water supply infeed to the house from the main supply replaced as it was leaking, so the old copper pipe has been replaced with a modern hose and stop cock. Second I have replace a light fitting in the dinning room.
Could these potentially affect the earth and so my shower ?
I am at a loss as to what to do next and need guidance / a visit from an electrician that could sort this issue out. HELP !!!!
Could these potentially affect the earth and so my shower ?
I am at a loss as to what to do next and need guidance / a visit from an electrician that could sort this issue out. HELP !!!!