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Junior Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi, i'm in the middle of doing my am2, just finished my installation which went alright and tested my installation. Everything worked as it should which was good, although for some reason i made a stupid mistake when recording my rcd test results and put no in the box for whether the result was acceptable for test on 150ma. Could anyone tell me if this will affect my marks much?

Also what size fuses do you use for the 3 phase isolater that feeds the 16A commando socket. I thought it was 16A but my mate who did it at the same time thinks its 20A?


do you mean you wrote 'no' instead of 'yes'? id imagine you may loose a point at most

as for 16A socket, you can have upto 20A protection on a 16A outlet, but all other ratings (i.e 32/63A etc) cannot be higher.

but you may loose a mark if you have put 20A in when paperwork says 16A, or other way

thanks for your reply, yes i wrote no instead of yes, stupid mistake but confused me for some reason, haven't do much live testing and mind just went blank.

The breaker for the isoater was 20A so assumed 16A was needed because of discrimination.

Do you know how many marks you'd have to drop to fail either section?


yeah, just trying to think of all the little mistakes ive made to put my mind at ease as to whether ive passed. just a bit annoyed with myself because they're ones i woudn't normally make. didn't stay as calm as i should of

I've completed my am2 now. think i may of missed one fault from fault finding and one from fault rectification does anyone know if i can still pass even tho i missed these?

Hi welcome here

I am in the middle of my am2 now, how did your one go?

I think for one mistake you loose one mark, and for 16A commando socket,

16A fuses, I know they give points for putting MICC even if it's not terminated, you may get around 6 out of 20.....

All together you could get 148 marks


Hi Jo

Yeah all in all it went alright. The practical was fine think i should be ok there, testing of my installation went well. The fault finding with the 7 faults went well but on the fault rectification i know i got one wrong and put a stupid answer down for another which as soon as i got out knew what i'd done just panicked a bit which was annoying because it was the last section i did. so think i've failed that because there are only 5 faults and doubt they let you pass if you got two wrong. How's yours going so far?

hi, haven't been on here for a while. guessing your probably more than half way through your install, how's it going so far? in my am2 i didn't find what i had to do in it really hard it was just controlling my nerves and thinking calmly. Let me know if there's anything that your not sure about and i'll try give u an answer

hey everyone,

iv just finished my second day of the am2 and JUST made it in time to complete the installation. I then used 10 mins of my inspection to tweak a few bits before filling out the inspection sheet. The fault finding and isolation went fine but im really worried about my installation particually the swa which i rushed to get finished.

on putting on the nozzle i pushed the steel wires over then tightened up the gland leaving a few strands (4 or 5) behind the nozzle which makes a pretty poor connection, i was planning on rectifying at the end but ran out of time!! will they fail me for this even if my earth path proves ok on the ZE??

any advice would be appreciated as i have to wait all weekend until my testing day on monday and bricking the thought of a re test

cheers guys

yeah i think u'd drop maybe only a mark or so. i think as long as everything works then you should be ok. when i was testing my rig the examiner said he was more interested in the way i carried out the tests rather than the results because the circuits are so small. you should get an alright earth path anyway even if the glands not the greatest. i thought i'd messed up my fault rectification but i passed the whole am2 so i think u can drop a few marks here and there and be alright

Hi Kamiyarzy

Sorry wasnt here for a while, congratulation on passing your am2, passed my as well, went so well and so quick, dropped few marks on the installation, really funny things, like labels on earth clamps were loose (they said to do it hand tight, so do not listen do it properly) the same with fly lead from swa, fp200 the angles were funny (not sherp enough lol) and i spared the socked from the single dido, not twin....

lost 4 marks on the way....sick I've done fault finding and rectification in less than 30min but they held me 80min lol too long much too long
