How bad is this!!!!!

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i dont think you could steer it but i wouldnt have jumped out!! i think i would just belt up and put my head back!

Shouldn't laugh, but when the doors opened I almost wet me pants.

She probably ended up down the bottom of the hill herself but on her arse.

shoulda taken their foot off the brake, and let it coast in first gear. Sometimes in the heat of the moment the brakes the only one you find.

As Teacher have you ever driven on snow are you do feel confident

to even be on the road in inclement weather the hazards of snow,ice and rain

Got to work every day at 7:30 am every day thru heavy snow and ice at -10 degrees without the wind chill factor.

I have starting a intensive course just for TEACHERS how to drive on snow

They would have to buy a pair of heavy boots and know how to handle a shovel

Circulate my e-mail address to all your colleagues print this out and post it on School Notice Boards I can only take 10 at a time owing to the pace of learning that teachers will have achieve.

A Diploma will be issued to succesful candidates.

The failure rate among this profession is extremly high


The cost of this course will be


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If they hadn't locked the wheels up then they might have had half a chance!!

Gota love the snow and ice though. My van has never been sideways so much. Luckily its not signwritten.

Just Posted by a Teacher he bit

The Dick Head Electricians Association is heavily over subscribed at this time, but having read examples of your emails I am sure we will be able to accept you as an executive member immediately. You represent the apotheosis of dick-headedness and fully conform to the ethos we endeavour to create. Your enrolment you to an elevated position within the association is guaranteed

there was a comment about youtube removing it too.

you missed a good vid admin - car cant stop on ice, both doors open, car does 180, both driver & passenger fall out at same time (and skid on ice), car disappears out of sight down hill!
