How To Control Led Brightness Through Wireless. (Circuit Given).

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Nov 26, 2012
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My project is about How to Control LED Brightness through wireless.

I already build a PWM circuit as you can see below and its working fine.


C2: This 0.1 µF capacitor is going to be filled up (charged) and drained (discharged) repeatedly to make the pulse wave. Increasing the capacitance decreases the frequency of the wave. Decreasing the capacitance increases the frequency of the wave.

R2: A 10 kΩ variable resistor (trimmer potentiometer). This is variable resistance (rather than fixed) to alter the on/off times of the output wave. Increasing the total resistance value increases the frequency of the wave. Decreasing the total resistance value decreases the frequency of the wave.

D1 and D2: Two diodes. 1N914 or 1N4148 diode is preferable. D1 creates the charge path. D2 creates the discharge path. Without these diodes, the pulse wave would still appear, but the on and off times couldn’t be varied since the capacitor would be charged and discharged using the same path through the resistor. (An in-depth explanation appears on the next page.)

Now How can i change the brightness of the LED through wireless PC without needing to turning the variable resistor left and right to change the voltage.

