How to deal with excess electricity when using solar?

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May 15, 2016
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I am looking for advice on how to deal with excess electricity when using solar power to charge batteries? Do I need something that will be able to tell when the batteries are full and convert the electricity into heat? If so, what is that sort of device called? Thanks 

Is this off grid? i.e the solar just charges batteries for local use?

Then there's no need to "dump" excess power, if the batteries are full, the charge controller will simply stop charging them, and the panels won't complain if there is no power being drawn from them.

You are probably thinking of a wind turbine where you have to keep a load on it otherwise it will run away, and then it is normal to have some form of dump load.

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you need a charge controller. Older ssytems seem to like to add a dump-resistor, not sure these are needed anymore, but you see this advice in a lot of off-grid handbooks.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

It is offgrid and is only a 50w panel with 2 x 12v20AH batteries. I am just testing the waters of solar power to see what I can do myself.

 I am using a controller like the one below. 

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