sounds good
fair comment,Steps,Normally I would agree 1000%.
However, the OP said it was for a training exercise, so perhaps the post would have been better in the learning zone, but, it was here.
Also as the guy has said it is an exercise for his NVQ assessor to check then it is to be removed, and, that his boss has let him have the run of the co stors.
So I thought it OK to help a trainee get his head around it to get qualified, especially as it seemed he had qualified mentors around, thus they should be supervising his work.
I took his questions on here as background research?
Thing is, I see this with my sprogs they don't look in books for research, the 1st & last place they look and ask is on line!
Thats the engineer in you, I still have my imperial spanners and sockets just incase.Carry em on me van mate also 3/4"M>20mmF, 3/4"F>20mmM, same with 25mm & 1" could be well lost without them!