Intruder alarm maintenance

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Domestic Electrician
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Do any of you guys do maintenance on these ?

i have been asked if i could carry out regular maintenance as part of a new contract for someone

not done this sort of stuff before how difficult is it

i know its a vague post but i dont want to return the guy's call and look a pratt


Well basically what you're asking is the same as a plasterer coming on here and saying 'how do I do a PIR'. While it isn;t impossible for you to do regular maintenance on an intruder alarm there's more to it than prod a few buttons, you either known how to install, commission, service and maintain them or you don;t.

Why does this customer want maintenance? Most aren;t all that bothered about maintaining an alrm unless the insurance company ask for it to be done, who will usually specify NSI\SSAIB installers.

Well basically what you're asking is the same as a plasterer coming on here and saying 'how do I do a PIR'. While it isn;t impossible for you to do regular maintenance on an intruder alarm there's more to it than prod a few buttons, you either known how to install, commission, service and maintain them or you don;t. Why does this customer want maintenance? Most aren;t all that bothered about maintaining an alrm unless the insurance company ask for it to be done, who will usually specify NSI\SSAIB installers.
That is exactly the response i wanted,,,,,i didnt know what it involves and didnt want to commit to something out of my depth

ill ask a few more questions tomorrow and get a clearer idea


clean PIRs, walktest make sure every thing working and labelled right, sounder test, check batterys (prob replace), fit a bell box with your logo on it lol bill then do the same 12months later - your bellbox

^^ pretty much what he says for the actual work to do. small paintbrush is useful for getting rid of dead spiders etc from inside detectors

but make sure that they dont require the service 'official' for insurance etc if you not approved (SSAIB etc) to do this

That is exactly the response i wanted,,,,,i didnt know what it involves and didnt want to commit to something out of my depthill ask a few more questions tomorrow and get a clearer idea

a service basically comprises, check the battery with an act meter (one of which i have ) ;) check terminations in equipment, and connections and reading on tamper circuits and alarm circuits etc, test the wiring to check reading against install readings and see if any major differences, walk test all sensors, test sounders and strobe and internal sound devices, check any outgoing dialler devices or any equipment connected to the ARC, and then also give all pirs and panel and key pad a clean, open bell box up and check cables, connections, corrostion etc (well i do give it the once over anyway)

So basically what everyone is saying is no-one knows how to service an alarm properly then.

a service basically comprises, check the battery with an act meter (one of which i have ) ;) check terminations in equipment, and connections and reading on tamper circuits and alarm circuits etc, test the wiring to check reading against install readings and see if any major differences, walk test all sensors, test sounders and strobe and internal sound devices, check any outgoing dialler devices or any equipment connected to the ARC, and then also give all pirs and panel and key pad a clean, open bell box up and check cables, connections, corrostion etc (well i do give it the once over anyway)
Yes the main thing is check for mains fail and that the SAB unit will hold off on mains fail.Walk test where availible,do not disconnect if it is not broken why fix. Check signaling operates correctly to where ever it should go.Borrow a can of fly spray and spray about a metre away from passive infra red detectors at the unit around June time this will stop creepiesgoing and setting them of also stops thunder bugs.Do not touch bell box unless you want to cause problems.

If all the sounders are working then leave well alone.Battery standbye is the biggest failure on alarm systems.
