Job for a friend

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Senior Member.
Oct 20, 2010
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Did a job for a friend at his office this morning. Replacing and combining 2 old sunken wylex 3036 CUs for a Surface mounted CU including 3 RCBOs.

Why two CU''s, one is separately metered for heating or Ac's.... never been used!!!! lol!!

This is in a friends Office in an apartment block that he owns. I've done the same in 4 of his rental apartments and a similar job in his large empty apartment, that his parents stay in when visiting from UK, all are in the same 5 story block. Both his office and his parents apartment is on the top (5th) floor The building was completed in 1978, all the other apartments that i've replaced the CU(s) in, have all been stranded imperial cables, but this one was solids and metric!!!! Oh, and those RCBOs cost just 7.37 euros each!! ...haha!!





Because it is Wednesday, ...and like in UK 25 years ago, the shops here shut half day, and unfortunately my friend purchased a split load Cu casing. So i will be replacing the earth and neutral push fit connections bar later this week for a standard neutral and earth bar arrangement.

To Any sharp eyed smart Alec, ...No that is not a tape joint you can see, it is a tape identification label that i forgot to remove, and got wrapped up among the cables. lol!! The whole thing will be released from the wall in the next week or so, as i'm also fitting some outside veranda lights and a water heater for him. So 2 new circuits being pulled in. RCBO and MCB already waiting in the!!!

This next photo is from his parents empty apartment, as you can see Quite a different arrangement. That big panel that i sat the new CU in, was home for just a TP isolator and 6 MCBs, ...Yep 3PH lol!! ....but some of the biggest MCBs i've ever seen!!!. As you can see, i used DIN rail mounted connectors on that occassion. A cover is waiting to be fixed to cover both the open panel, and another to surround the new CU....


Thanks,'ll be even neater when i get round to fixing end stops to the DIN rail connectors. At the moment there tending to lean over, especially at the tails end...


Looks neat.

A question, after a fashion.

Do you always put the RCBO functional earths into a dedicated earth, I realise that you commented that you are going to re-work the N & E bars.

I always put all earths relevant to a cct into the same point, unless I have "high integrity" or true clean or functional earths from outside the board

I can't really see the datails of what is going where in the board other than all those whites together. Seems a bit short of N points in that board, I guess that's why you are going to change the configuration!

Not much headroom on top of the RCBO's though same as most over here!

When are these manufacturers gonna realise!

BTW, I tend to use the earth DIN rail connectors for earths, (WPE type) these clamp up on the din rail and then help to keep the little bladders in regimental alignment!

Also tend to use one at either end for end stops if I have "additional" earths. Also helps the "cross" bonding etc. keeping all earths at the same potential and all that, especially in a metal box like that one. (Not quite the correct terms I know!)

The normal ones never seem to grip the rail well enough do they!

Just comments, not criticism!

spot on side with the din rail stuff ;)

looks very nice install larn. grommet to metal box ?

Larnacaman,Looks neat.

A question, after a fashion.

Do you always put the RCBO functional earths into a dedicated earth, I realise that you commented that you are going to re-work the N & E bars.

I always put all earths relevant to a cct into the same point, unless I have "high integrity" or true clean or functional earths from outside the board

I can't really see the datails of what is going where in the board other than all those whites together. Seems a bit short of N points in that board, I guess that's why you are going to change the configuration!

Not much headroom on top of the RCBO's though same as most over here!

When are these manufacturers gonna realise!

BTW, I tend to use the earth DIN rail connectors for earths, (WPE type) these clamp up on the din rail and then help to keep the little bladders in regimental alignment!

Also tend to use one at either end for end stops if I have "additional" earths. Also helps the "cross" bonding etc. keeping all earths at the same potential and all that, especially in a metal box like that one. (Not quite the correct terms I know!)

The normal ones never seem to grip the rail well enough do they!

Just comments, not criticism!
I like to keep neutrals and earths connections corresponding with the MCB arrangement. But on this occassion that was impossible. so had to bung them where i could, until i replace the earth and neutral connection bar for a standard set-up one. So yes the functional RCBO earths will be twined with the circuit earth connection. I didn't purchase the CU, i gave my friend a list of all the materials i needed and he went out and bought them in preparation. It worked OK before...but not this time it seems!!! ...haha!!

As for the earthed rail connectors, couldn't find any, at the local wholesalers so just went for the normal ones. Some makes do grip well, always found those supplied by Merlin Gerin grip well enough that you don't really need end clamps. But as you say, that's a rarity

---------- AUTO MERGE Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

[quote name='Lee

As for the earthed rail connectors, couldn't find any, at the local wholesalers so just went for the normal ones.
Thinking out loud wouldnt they balls up your r1+r2 and r2 readings if all earths are commoned after the fuseboard? Or have i got this arse about face again?


You ain't got it arse about face, but it will be micro ohms probably.

I would not concern myself with it personally!

Well within the bounds of error of a typical tester used for this work.

I like to keep neutrals and earths connections corresponding with the MCB arrangement. But on this occassion that was impossible. so had to bung them where i could, until i replace the earth and neutral connection bar for a standard set-up one. So yes the functional RCBO earths will be twined with the circuit earth connection. I didn't purchase the CU, i gave my friend a list of all the materials i needed and he went out and bought them in preparation. It worked OK before...but not this time it seems!!! ...haha!!As for the earthed rail connectors, couldn't find any, at the local wholesalers so just went for the normal ones. Some makes do grip well, always found those supplied by Merlin Gerin grip well enough that you don't really need end clamps. But as you say, that's a rarity

---------- AUTO MERGE Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

Nope, ....No grommet on those 2 particular holes couldn't locate any for a 28/32mm holes. ...but it is filed and emery clothed , so that those edges are as smooth as a babies bottom!!!
Could always make a grommet out of the exterior of three core on earth cable thats what I would do if a grommet was not available although I usually would use a nylon gland.

Grommet strip?
This is Cyprus, unfortunately there are quite a few common things that wholesalers (if you can call them that) just don't stock over here. Most of the time i improvise, but on this occassion i didn't want the finished jobs appearance spoilt by a make-shift use of cable sheathing or the like. As i said the edges of those purpose built holes were filed and finished off with emery clothe to a smooth finish. There NOT going to cut into those cables insulation, ...Guaranteed!!! lol!!!

Talking about wholesalers of the like. I was in one of the bigger one's here in Larnaca the other day, and noticed that they had just taken delivery of a whole host of different configurations of multi gang wall outlet back-boxes. Noticed that one was configured for 3 double outlets/plates and a single plate, another for 2 double plates and a single plate and another for 5 single plates. Didn't have time to stop to see all the configurations. Just brought back thoughts of a thread on here recently, about lining up multiple back boxes side by side. ....well these would save an awful lot of lining-up and making accurate cutting out of those individual back boxes ....What ?? hahaha!!! Anything like that available in the UK??


I had to go back to the store on tuesday and asked about these back boxes. Turns out they are manufactured in Nicosia (Cyprus). There are about 6 different configurations that they produce. The local sparky's like to group the outlets in Kitchens and other similar locations, so maybe these back boxes are not available elsewhere. Certainly the first time i've seen such long back box configurations!!!

But i can see uses for some of them, and will keep them in mind for my next project...

I'll have to remember to take me camera tomorrow, .... have to go back to pick-up a fan controller!!!

Update Edit....

Went back today, but most of the bigger ones, the contractor that ordered them had already taken. They are expecting another delivery on Monday, so i'll take some pic's on Tuesday, ....That's when they now say my fan controller will be available to pick-up!!! nothing changes here much!!!

Around 21C here of a day, but drops rapidly to around 10C'ish once the sun goes down...

So heaters are on of an evening/night these days,!!!

I'm off to Hong Kong and China on a new project end of Feb, beginning of March, and i'm watching the temperatures there, ....Only around 16C right now, so I'll be packing a few jumpers, or maybe will buy there ....damn sight cheaper there, than Rip Off Europe!! lol!!!
