Lamp Post Repair

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Sep 5, 2011
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Anyone give me a pointer, i've exhausted google and my contacts.

Doing some remedial works in London, one of the items on my list is a Lamp Post it's a simple round column, nothing electrically wrong with it, but someone has obviously reversed into it denting the column and now it's missing the front cover plate exposing the internals, as a result a replacement cover plate will not fit. Included a photo which may help.

Now i have seen on lamp posts before a generic cover plate fixed with a metal wrap around strapping, does anyone know where i can source the covers and strapping???

Any pointers will be appreciated :pray


Lamp Post Damage.JPG

depending on how bad the damage is (hard to see from image), it may be severely weakened and may need replaced

if it is just a cover, you may be able to get one from a light column supplier, i.e tofco. for the steel band, google 'band-it'. you can get it from buck & hickman. you also require a special tool to install it though

for the size of the column & wiring inside it, i doubt its public. most likely private, running from a private supply. so how exactly is this 'free electricity the pikey way'
Yup private indeed, there's 24hrs security so doubt any doasyoulikey's have been on it. It's in a small carpark, it has to have been someone reversing into it or the likes, it's more cosmetic damage tbh, structurally it's rock solid.

Cheers all for the advice, i'll get on those firms people have mentioned i'm sure one of them will lead me to the right supplier, knowing where to start is always a good thing!


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For any people with similar troubles i got put in touch with a firm called Diamond Engineering based in Hampshire who make replacement covers for Light Columns. Cheers all.

To do that much damage to the column they must have done some noticeable to their vehicle as well, probibaly a lorry

the banding that you refer to is called Tespa Banding  and yes you do require a special tool to install it,
