Life In The Uk Test

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DNO Official™
Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2012
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In the sticks…
I'm thinking about applying for a dual citizenship so I started looking at what I would need to do get one. There is a long (and scary looking) list of criterias and I need to pass a "Life in the United Kingdom" test. I will also have to prove my knowledge of English, but I think/hope that my college qualifications in Functional Skills English covers that.

Anyway, who fancies having a go at the UK practice test? :) I have done 2 mock tests and got 19/24 on both so I just about pass. (It works out at 79% and the pass rate is 75%).

Well done! :) I struggle a bit with the historical questions. I did learn some British history at school but not in much detail so a lot of it I've picked up since I came here.

Only 2 wrong, the date women got the vote and another historical battle date wrong.
Posted Today, 09:58 PM

Well done! :) I struggle a bit with the historical questions. I did learn some British history at school but not in much detail so a lot of it I've picked up since I came here.

well after 2 pages its likely that ill be thrown on a boat and shipped off somewhere...
Fancy being shipped off to Sweden? :) we could do an exchange :slap

So when we leave the EU in 2 years, will you have to pass this test before you are allowed in?
Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I'm a bit worried about getting kicked out in case the UK leaves the EU. Do you think that existing EU immigrants would all have to pass something like this to be allowed to stay?

91% after 2 pages of drivell, really don't see what they are getting at with some of those questions?
Congratulations, you're proper British :D

Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I'm a bit worried about getting kicked out in case the UK leaves the EU. Do you think that existing EU immigrants would all have to pass something like this to be allowed to stay?

Congratulations, you're proper British :D
I very much doubt we will leave the EU. But if we do that will trigger another Scottish independence referendum and they will then re join on their own, so you can come and live up here.

Well I tried it and I'm not fit to be a UK citizen it seems even though I can trace my ancestry back over 6 generations to the mainland UK, and the only reason I can't go any further is because we ain't got that far yet.

Part of the reason I'm doing this is because I'm a bit worried about getting kicked out in case the UK leaves the EU. Do you think that existing EU immigrants would all have to pass something like this to be allowed to stay?

Congratulations, you're proper British :D
Liverpool Irish with a bit of protestant Dutch thrown in I believe, going back a few generations

I tried but  It was beyond me... "what colour were Anne of Cleaves pubes" ~ It may as well have said that....


"the UK  is against extremism and intolerance true or false?" FFS :lol:  

My mates Mrs did the test, she's one of those blue on blue types I'll see if there is anything that will help as I clearly cant'!


Hi Missweden,

First off, they are having a laugh, i doubt i would pass that!!

Secondly, they will not be kicking you out..... If [///////////////////////////////////////////] are allowed to stay here because of their "human rights" then i very much doubt you will be going anywhere. Cameron the tory retard can say all he likes, they will not be leaving the EU [because they all fancy a job there] and they cannot do all the things the prat claims he will do as EU law will not let him...

Stop worrying!!!!!


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Miss Sweedy,  there could well be a few Forumites backing your application to remain also.

Living in Birmingham I agree with Apprentice's opinion ........they arrest would be Muzzy terrorists here, every week , FFS.   get rid of that lot first.....they still sacrifice live sheep FFS.  what bleeding century do they think it is......never heard of a Swedish terrorist ,  they're great people , driving around in their Saabs,   listening to ABBA CDs   whats not to like?

I'll try the UK test later .

Stepps would pass it ...specially history ....he,s lived through most of it FFS  !  :innocent

Had a quick look ......can't get my head round Q 16  :C

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