Might be going to court!

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You could mention in court that as he is a policeman it is very unlikely that he would have any cause to be intimidated and had he thought that you were intimidating him, why did he not call for police help. He is just trying it on and trying to bully you. Stick to your guns and take the court route and apply for costs that you incur at every stage including loss of earnings dealing with the case and costs of letter writing and persuing the legitimate debt. For the court date try to get references from previous customers showing your good reputation and honesty, which will help the court to see that your a good tradesman, also take into court details of your last couple of years accounts with HMCE statements and profit and loss account showing your turnover and expenses and profit for the year. He will try to discredit you, so be well armed. If he turns up in court with legal representation and you don't have any, ask for an adjournement so that you can be represented by the legal profession. Also explore arbitration and say that you are quite willing to go through the arbitration route. I always recommend going into court with legal representation as by not doing so your at a disadvantage straight away if the other party has it. There is nothing in law that states that you cannot receive cash in payment of goods or services after all if it has the queens head on, its legal tender. Good luck

Only one comment, one thing that we have found out is that if you do not have formal legal representation in certain legal proceedings the "Court" is bound to act as your legal representative, thus act in your best interests, however, this was not a commercial debt matter.

However, it "may" still be true?

Would also like to add that as you have referred to in an earlier post, try not to let the court thing get you down, he,s probably used to it but he's not a copper anymore and the fact that he was once, means sod all but I bet he gets it known , based on what you tell us , he,s got nothing , as said above ,even if you'd charged him


Just read through the posts again, I understand what you are going through, just like to wish you good luck, hope all goes well

Good luck !!

look smart, be polite and sincere to everybody in the court or more likely an office. Don't get drawn into an argument. Like the other guys have said promote yourself with previous customer testimonials- the more paperwork the better although I doubt they will go through it better to be armed than not though.

If he felt threatened or intimidated why didn't the customer contact the police as soon as you left his house or was it delayed fear to use against you.(such carp) if that it the best ammunition he has against you I'm guessing you have him crushed!

Some coppers are as bent as the guys they chase!!

He should have paid you then taken you to court if he felt you didn't fulfil your agreement!

I'm sure you get a favourable decision on the day so good luck and when you are awarded money don't forget to include loss of wages for attendance and the cost of fuel and another reasonable costs you can think of the judge will add it to his bill!
