6a It's for the upstairs lighting circuit.What rating are you looking for?
Cheers mate! that would be good. Wasn't there a post on here asking about what mcb is compatible with what board.I think it does mate. I done on a while back it was a wickes branded board with mk ln mcbs. I took one into my local wilts and the mk rcbo fits. If your interested let me know and I'll post the picture of it in the board as I've found the picture on me phone so I'll transfer it to computer and post it on here.
Cheers mate. I forgot about the sponsor but it's opened up a few options for me...Don't forget our sponsor folks:MCBFINDER.CO.UK
There isn't an RCBO on this page (and the one I have is 32A), but might be worth a call to Andrew.
On a similar job recently we were lucky enough to have a spare 30A way in the board, so I used that to feed a 4mm into a small 3 way board. I pulled the lighgts out of the main board into the small board and put them on new Hager RCBOs. Should've taken a picture!
Alternatively you could try buying the RCD and converting the board to split (or dual if it's already split).
iirc, front sticks out a little further, but cover still fits as normal, which is the main part. but yes, the door over the MCB's may not fully closeAndy, doesnt the wylex RCBO sit a little far out though? stopping the door closing properly?IIRC I had this problem, but it didnt matter so much as the CU was in a little cupboard of its own so I removed the CU door.
Cheers mate thats the one..http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb346/m4ttyd/photo19.jpgThey are MK LN59XX i think. HTH its taken me over half hour finding the photo on the phone lol
Thanks Batty..You should have no problem fitting the later RCBO's in that board as said its the earlier ones with open terminals that are more of a problem.