Mounting a tv

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2008
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I have to mount a tv on a wall and the customer would like a socket up high for the tv and the sky box low down , what would you put in between to sky box and tv ? Hdmi cable ? Can you put a multicore cable in and solder the end on at a later date ? Cheers

It depends on what they have, and what they want.

If it's only a standard sky box, then you need a scart cable, but if that's the case install an hdmi cable as well in case they upgrade to sky HD.

Don't forget to install the two satellite feed cables for the sky box, the tv aerial cable to the tv (probably via the sky box) so they can watch terrestrial tv as well.

And how about audio output cables from the sky box to a hi fi amp for decent sound?

I take it you are chasing out a brick wall to do this? Otherwise if it's just a stud and plasterboard wall just install what's needed now as it will be easy to pull extra cables later.

They are just studding out wall , I was thinking of trying to make a plate up with hdmi on it scart etc , but I have never used them ,do you solder direct onto the back of plate , what kind of cable would you have to used for a hdmi or scart ?

Just buy made up cables and bury them in the wall. Scart leads are a pig to solder, and I have never seen rewirable hdmi plugs. Even if they were available, they would be minute and require precision soldering.

As it's a stud wall, I use a 1G plasterboard back box, with the back cut out as way to bring all the AV cables in and out. A blanking plate over the top with a cut out sawn and filed to allow all the cables to snugly exit.

Make sure when framing up the stud wall that they do not put any horizontal noggins in the section of the wall between the sky box and the tv. Then at any future date you can pull more cables if needed.

Install a large area or horizontal timbers at high level to ensure a good fixing for the tv's bracket (but remembering to leave space for your mains socket and your 1G "av box" somewhere where they won't be seen behind the tv.

If you want a neater job, CPC do some front plates for AV connectors.

You could always use these for HDMI

