Panel Heater Not Working On Low Setting

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Jul 25, 2015
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hemel hempstead
Hi , 
I am a completely novice when it comes to heating. So i hope someone can help me out. We have 5 sunhouse electric panel heaters in out 2 bedroom flat.
 below is the type of heater we have
On this heaters we got heat settings from 1 to 6.
out of 5 heaters 2 heaters work works absolutely fine on all the heat setting.
Whilst other three heaters produce heat only on number 4 settings. they dont work on setting from 1 to 3.
Couple of years ago they were fine  but suddenly now they work only after number 4 settings.
Can someone please let me know how can i get this sorted 

It's to do with the ambient temperature in the room. I guess the ones that don't work are up stairs or in rooms that get more sun (front of house).

The thermostats are doing what they are supposed to do.

It is perfectly normal. It's all to do with the temperature in the room. When the weather gets colder the lower settings will work. As you turn the thermostat you should hear a click - this corresponds to the temperature in the room.

Over time, the callibration of the thermostat may have changed. It sounds like that's what has happened here.

You either just put up with it, and accept on some of the heaters you need a higher setting to get a particular room temperature, or you replace the thermostat.

The latter option is not always easy as to buy one new you might as well just replace the whole heater. Sometimes you can find them second hand on ebay.

Would you feel competent stripping it down to change the thermostat?  If not by the time you have paid an electrician to strip it, identify the part, order one, come back later to fit it, then it would probably work out cheaper to get a new heater.

Personally I would choose option 1 an just accept you need to use a higher setting and carry on using them.


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