From what I can read from the OP and subsequent comments...
the bottom line is either....
a) It was done prior to Part P?
B) It was done after Part P but not notified?
so lets follow the flow chart of options::::::::
If (a) Did you get an electrical cert? If Yes {goto 'C'} ..... If No {Goto 'D'}
If (B) its too *****ing late to get a compliance certificate as more than 30days have elapsed since work was completed!
so did you get an electrical cert? If Yes {goto 'C'} ..... If No {Goto 'D'}
[C] You have an electrical certificate saying all is good, work has been tested and don't need inspecting for several years!
[D] You have NO certificate and NO idea of the condition of the electrical installation...
So Get a full PIR done and follow the guidance given by Theory on post #14!!!
Have a beer!
p.s. just for reference for the OP regarding typical costs..
I did a Full PIR on a 3-bed terrace property on Tuesday..
because the customer was a bit worried about a few things I opened up and inspected EVERY accessory except for 3 items.
and provided a list identifying the layout of EVERY circuit..
10 circuits 16th edition split load board!
Total cost to customer