PAT rates

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Junior Member
Aug 5, 2010
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whats the going rate for pat testing per item, i live in nottingham and just finished testing a school at 75p per item the same rate as the guy that tested the year before, but found it hard to do the job properley at 75p. i found ext. leads with two core no earth which had been passed and labeled as passed, i think sometimes testers just put labels on to make there money

i tested 450 items in 5 days for a bit of holiday money but i think if i did the job again my rate would be more. i was thinking of around 1.00 to 1.50 each

How could they do that office in 1 -1/2 hrs as you say , just licking and sticking 'em.

I take the cover off all the plug tops , surprising how many earth wires disconnected.

Also the items are supposed to have an ID number on the sticker that corresponds to the list that you also type out as their permament record.

25% of all serious electrical accidents involve portable appliances, i just tested a school, i would want to know where im sending my child is safe, i could not sleep if i just put pass lables on.

just gotta give em wot you think is a fair price including travel etc, explain to them that you'll give em schedule of test results (which over a couple of years will show any deteriation of items tested). if they dont like price then walk away confident you would have done a safe job and the onus is on them if things go wrong. a lot of insurance companys now want test results as part of their policy. lickers and stickers cant do this, if they do there probably made up.

PAK seems like you are doing a proper job.

The most tests I've ever done is 150 in a day (8-9 hours). That was everything in one room.

Mostly I do 80 to 100 a day @

Don't see that anyone can make a living at 75p each, unless the job is being 'skimped'.
Here is what i think

company goes in for the first time and tests correctly at 75p

next visit still 75p but all the donkey work was done previously and all they do is use a tick sheet against the original tests.

marking the plugs wih tipex across the screws to check for tampering.


company goes in for the first time and tests correctly at 75p
Somewhat optimistic I think, I've followed plenty of PAT testers round and you'd do well to see them ever actually move anything. Even unscrewing the Tippex cap would be classed as manual labour.

Somewhat optimistic I think, I've followed plenty of PAT testers round and you'd do well to see them ever actually move anything. Even unscrewing the Tippex cap would be classed as manual labour.
when sparkies are out there at the moment doing a days work for

im just trying to find how they can justify the price and do a fair job
I don;t think you will. You'd be better off looking for the Loch Ness Monster.

Bit like the old 'rewire in a day' brigade, yes it's technically possible, but it's not going to be pretty.

a lot of insurance companys now want test results as part of their policy. lickers and stickers cant do this, if they do there probably made up.

Although they "can`t do it", they CAN "make `em up", which is even worse (`cos it is classed as fraud, AFAIAA).

If you cannot do it sensibly (we had a guy in the local hotel - beat the main contractor on PAT - who could "do" 1200 items a day - on his own).

That is utter rubbish. If you have the fastest tester on the market; and someone to bring every item to you; you physically don`t have the time to do that many items.

I`m cutting short what I was going to say, due to inebriation effects.

`night all.


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