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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
They have been on about pensions all day because of this strike and its prompted me to post on the subject.

Younger guys, you need to be starting a private pension , give it some thought , don't be relying on the state pension . It may seem like a long way off but take my word for it , it goes in a flash.

You may need to wait till the work picks up again but don't leave it.

None of us know how the economy will go but I think its better to have one than not have one.

Just thought I'd run that up the flagpole and see who salutes it.

Thanks for that Deke, I have actually been speaking to an advisor, and he has given Me some figures for both between now and when I retire, and costs from leaving school till now. If I get on top of it soon, the amounts I will stash away will see Me clear. I just hope the government don't perform a grab on it like the last Labour government did. A point to note is that for the equivalence, the private sector would have to invest 7 times what the public sector does to achieve the same pension income at retirement age.


My plan is to buy property I don't trust companies with my money.

Trouble is , no one can guess at what may happen in the future.

Who would forsee those mad drugged up ba$tard$ flying planes into the Two Towers . my pension had nosedived by 10/11 .

It slowly recovered .

And then we found that the so-called experts who ran the banking system were just a bunch of greedy account...Oooooh .... errrrrrrmmm.... Merchant Bankers!!!!!

Nosedive No.2

Whats gets Me Deke, are the bank managers saying that they have to pay the big bucks to retain talented bankers... and where might they be if not ring-fencing their bonuses? and talented banks wouldn't take mega risks with peoples cash if they were strongly regulated.


Property investing should be a good thing Sellers .

I'm quite an investment expert actually, I bought up all the Gary Glitter records ready to cash in on a nostalgia revival in the future.

Also bought thousands of shares in Betamax , Sinclare's C5, cassette tapes, 78 RPM records , 8 track car stereos, backed England to win the World Cup , every four years since 1966, along with Villa to win the Premiership.

Also carry a huge stock of wooden Rawlplugs and slotted screws and Crabtree C5 MCBs , 2BA screws and Whitworth nuts (no bolts) A lorry load of flared trousers and platform shoes .

Investing in classic cars is also brilliant .

Anyone want an Austin Allegro (with square steering wheel and talking dashboard) ?

Austin Ambassador ???

MK1 Cortina???

A35 Van ?

Oh well day we'll be millionairs, Rodders

I have been thinking about this a lot and have come up with the win win situation!! It's called Peter's 2 step retirement plan!!

1) Keep your head down till 65 or maybe 70.

2) Rob a bank, if you get away with it you're are minted for life problem solved. If you get caught, you get banged up, 3 square meals a day, a gym, sky+ plus p.o.r.n. channel, loads of mates to talk about the good old days and a plot to grow your own veggies, problem sorted!!

My cousin's company pension was Equitable Life . They went bust . The company went bust. Managment buy out , took them forever to find which company had taken over Equitable Life's policies, but they were there all right , although the original directors had been dipping into the pension fund , somehow , I think he,s OK now . Soon know , he packs up in August.

Does that affect you Captain Canoe ? I think the Ombudsman can trace your fund if theres a problem.
