problem ( shower )

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all we have have done in the class room is health & saftey practical class is great but we are not getting the theory to go with it just H&S looking for work in the industry but no luck so far

Fault finding is taught, but that is in Year 3, the OP does say he is in year 1, that means probably getting Health & Safty rammed into him, with a bit of basic electrical thory.He has come on to say he doesn't want to touch something he doesn't understand, which I respect and give him full marks for, shows he is likely to ask for help before killing himself.

We all have to start somewhere.

but he has also came on with a bolshie attitude,

I see that a lot with 'apprentices' nowadays,

they dont want to learn anything off you 'cos they already know it all from college.

got me all wrong mate i 'm not trying to be anything i'm not i'm 33 got 2 kids and i'm just trying to do the best for my family dont mean to insult anyone .

no worries John,

then you need to start by actually showing some proper attitude,

a flag would be a good start,

I have no idea why everyones area has disappeared, Ive actually looked at my profile and its still in it,

the reason I asked area is Im actually travelling through Wales (N-S) this weekend and coulda called in to you on the way passed.


Usual issue is a loose connection somewhere in the circuit; or a pull cord that has failed. As the guys have said; if competent check it yourself (carefully). If not, get someone local.

The forum maintains a list of members in various areas of the may be worth a look. Just don`t snap at people who offer free advice, or they may not offer again!

thanks everyone once again sorry for my tone appreciate any help my flag says wales but i come from and live in newcastle upon tyne dont know how to ammend it messed it up when i first registerd
