Problems finishing 2330

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Sep 18, 2008
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My college told us a few weeks ago about funding being cut for our classes therefore the price for the level 3 in september would be going up, which I'm fine with. They said they'd need to have so many on the course to make it possible to run the third year, and asked for a show of hands of who would like to do it.

Now for about 4 weeks I've been asking every week if level 3 will definately be running and the answer is always "i'll ask my boss and get back to you", now I'm getting a bit annoyed as I need to know asap, if they don't run the last year then I've just wasted 2 years and will struggle to find a job with just level 2. I've started looking at other colleges in the area but failing that, I don't know what to do

Hey i feel for you.

I'm in the exact same situation, my college is a shambles, teachers have left, not turned up for exams, changed the whole of the way we do things so many times in a year it's a joke.

People have left my college and moved to other colleges around my area due to ours being so crap.

So, there wont be enough people for them to run the level 3 next year.

But i've heard there wont even be a lvl 3 next year due to City and guilds changing the whole course altogether. Have you heard anything about this?

Yeah, the course are changing but as far as I know the level 3 should run from September but I think thats the last year. Unless it's changed, in which case i've no idea. I've just had a look at private companies like OLCI but I can't afford

Having done both lvl 2 and 3 C&G 2330 I can appreciate how frustrated You must feel . I keep hearing horror stories about duff colleges letting students down who just simply want to get qualified . I know that tough times are forecast but We still need trained and qualified people to replace the people that have left the industry through retirement or career change . I hope the government can address this and recognise the skills needed . I wish You well and hope it all works for You as planned

hi mate im in the same boat as you but a lot of colleges are enrolling for the third year level 3.

so have a look around especially as they charge different prices

hi all

coming to the end of level2,so i tried walsall college and was told that they are now not doing the level 3 and doing the 2357 and that i dont meet the criteria(unemployed).

the college i attend are now doing the level 3 but its not funded and is nearly 1200 quid and they know its needs must.

Hi Quirky,

Im at college part time just coming to end of the first year of 2330 part 2, We (the group im in) have been told by our lecturer that the college has a duty to allow you to finish the path you have started, but if the number drop below a set level they do not have to run course but they still have a duty to find a college that is still running the course to allow you to finish what you have started. As I am a first year 2330 this is for my second year and the part 3.

There are no doubt some colleges that will try to get around /away with this , it might be worth contacting City & Guilds directly to see the best path to take.

They are ment to be changing 2330 to a new course that combines the college study with the NVQ , in my mind this will only make things harder for people trying to get into the trade , as you wont be eligable to take the course without being a mate/apprentice and could make for a shortage on qualified electricians as not alot of contractors are taking apprentices/mates on at the present, also the current NVQ requires you to do work encompasing residential , comercial , industrial. Not all electrical contractors do work in all 3 fields, thus making it even harder. IMHO

Hi Quirky,Im at college part time just coming to end of the first year of 2330 part 2, We (the group im in) have been told by our lecturer that the college has a duty to allow you to finish the path you have started, but if the number drop below a set level they do not have to run course but they still have a duty to find a college that is still running the course to allow you to finish what you have started. As I am a first year 2330 this is for my second year and the part 3.

There are no doubt some colleges that will try to get around /away with this , it might be worth contacting City & Guilds directly to see the best path to take.

They are ment to be changing 2330 to a new course that combines the college study with the NVQ , in my mind this will only make things harder for people trying to get into the trade , as you wont be eligable to take the course without being a mate/apprentice and could make for a shortage on qualified electricians as not alot of contractors are taking apprentices/mates on at the present, also the current NVQ requires you to do work encompasing residential , comercial , industrial. Not all electrical contractors do work in all 3 fields, thus making it even harder. IMHO
Hi Anroiduk,

I'm exactly the same postion as you are in and the feedback from the College is the same, all but tthat they have informed me today that they have not yet received the whole course structure for what is going to repalce the 2330.

I think that ther eare going to be major problems across the country at Colleges . Aso there will be a a great deal of very angry and fustrated pupils who have worked very hard to pass the level two thus far.

It would be advisable to contact City & Guilds directly.

Hi Anroiduk, I'm exactly the same postion as you are in and the feedback from the College is the same, all but tthat they have informed me today that they have not yet received the whole course structure for what is going to repalce the 2330.

I think that ther eare going to be major problems across the country at Colleges . Aso there will be a a great deal of very angry and fustrated pupils who have worked very hard to pass the level two thus far.

It would be advisable to contact City & Guilds directly.
same boat here my college will not know till mid july whats going on.Also been told you have to be working in the industry to do level 3.Feel so frustrated.We should all do a petition or something coz if we cant do level 3 we have just wasted 2 years hard work.

i have just finished the 2330 level 3 and was told by the college that unless you are working in the industry you would not be allowed to go on the level 3 course from now on as city and guilds would not allow it and we were the last 'batch' to do it

i,m enrolled on my third year now for september also c&g dont control what colleges offer. funding and registration has been extended until dec 2010 for the 2330. and the chances are quite strong of first year level 2's being started in september due to 2357 not being ready.

i,m enrolled on my third year now for september also c&g dont control what colleges offer. funding and registration has been extended until dec 2010 for the 2330. and the chances are quite strong of first year level 2's being started in september due to 2357 not being ready.
its all pretty much still up in the air at the mo due to the 2357 structure only very recently been finalised so some colleges have waited and others said sod it and ran the 2330 after lobbying skills council they mangaed to secure more funding for 1 more year.

my coll (wolvo) seems to be running both.

ive just finished 1st year l2 so 1 more to go before l3 same as some of you.

its hard to get a straight answer out of anyone but i think the wording is a bit loose as they say you can only enrol up to dec this year but have till 2013 to complete??.

this may apply to l3 but it may apply to starting 1st year l2 in my mind why would they allow you to enrol till dec this year then allow 3years to finish?

there is also talk of being migrated onto the 2357 how this would work dog knows.

as it stands there are still discussions as to how the transition will be managed so all we can do is wait and hope for the best:pray

i have just finished the 2330 level 3 and was told by the college that unless you are working in the industry you would not be allowed to go on the level 3 course from now on as city and guilds would not allow it and we were the last 'batch' to do it
well that goes to show how much the info is all over the shop.

and just because someone in the college has interpreted something in a particular way doesnt make it fact.

Well, my college didnt honour my NVQ, it took them a year to finally get me sorted out with one, then told me that the price was going up from

Well, my college didnt honour my NVQ, it took them a year to finally get me sorted out with one, then told me that the price was going up from