ProDave Poll

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Has this made you change your mind about leaving the EU if you were all for staying before the steel

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


©Honorary Essex Boy™
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Prodave mentioned this in another thread, I thought it was a good Idea so I have done it for him.

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Probably could do with more options?

#3 do you think the EU is corrupt?

#4 Do you care what happens to Scotland if we leave the EU

I was unsure about wether or not to leave the EU but recent events including the steel industry closures have assured me that they are a bunch of corrupt w⚓ers.

My friend lived in Switzerland and they have a slow but very democratic political system, I don't see them struggling either.

just think of all the money we'd save not being in the EU , we could spend it on the NHS if the government haven't sold it to one of their golfing buddies by June...


I have voted in my poll :innocent

the "has it changed your mind" question is a bit difficult because if you were already intending to vote out, and this has just reinforced that view you have to vote "no" which may make it appear to be an insiginificant event.

If it's possible to change the question, it might be better to ask "has this made you mroe likely to vote in, or more likely to vote out" in which case the out voter could say it has made them even more determined to vote out.

The who would you  bale out should also have "both of the above". Yes there may be some people that actually think it wa right to bale out be bankers.

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It's usually the politicians that are way back on the back benches that are less/not corrupt, those nearer the front clearly become corrupt the more they learn. 

And there we were thinking we were smart????

i do believe the quote goes along the lines of:

take the branch out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of your neighbours ??

I am interested to hear why those that voted to bail out the steel industry did so. 

I wonder if those that would bail out the steel industry actually support the British steel industry by doing there best to purchase products made form British steel. Or like me do you just look at value for money because we have to work hard for it?  

No Essex we aren't all like you, money is not that important that I watch where I spend every penny, I'd sooner buy quality over quantity and if that's British steel then so be it, yes it's true you can't avoid the China impact but there are many other countries that produce quality goods and if the style of the good is to my liking I'll pay the price for it. Unfortunately you come from a part of the world where money is king so that's all you'll worship. Another reason I'm glad I'm not from Essex! 

No Essex we aren't all like you, money is not that important that I watch where I spend every penny, I'd sooner buy quality over quantity and if that's British steel then so be it, yes it's true you can't avoid the China impact but there are many other countries that produce quality goods and if the style of the good is to my liking I'll pay the price for it. Unfortunately you come from a part of the world where money is king so that's all you'll worship. Another reason I'm glad I'm not from Essex! 

You are not an idiot so don't post like one.

I said value for money. Not the cheapest. I would hazard a guess that you do not know where 90% of the products you buy actually come from but you post here like you have traced all your purchases from start to finish. My point is people do not look at where things really come from. I have no clue where the steel in my car comes from. Do you?  Was this a part of your decision making process?  I very much doubt it. So you sit there on your high horse stating lettuced about the counties of England which makes you sound like a school boy in a playground. 

Tell me. What have you done to support the British steel industy and actually done so as a deliberate decision?  Sweet FA at a guess.   

I'm afraid that I don't think that I can answer this poll,, the questions asked do not warrant a simple answer.

As for the UK people bailing out the bankers, I think that you'll find that we actually bailed out the banks. If we hadn't have then it would have had enormous repercussions for many businesses and private individuals... many would have gone to the wall which would have had even further repercussions.... On a side not though,, I do not believe that the bankers should have gotten away, what seems to be "scot free" though and many of them should have been prosecuted and/or disallowed from working in the financial sector ever again.

Now, as for the steel works... I really hate the fact that we seem to becoming part of "China PLC"... If we lose the UK steel industry we will end up being held over a barrel. Now I'm not saying that any industry should be propped up by us "just because" but we have to remain something more than a nation of shop keepers and "Barristas"

I'm afraid that I don't think that I can answer this poll,, the questions asked do not warrant a simple answer.

As for the UK people bailing out the bankers, I think that you'll find that we actually bailed out the banks. If we hadn't have then it would have had enormous repercussions for many businesses and private individuals... many would have gone to the wall which would have had even further repercussions.... On a side not though,, I do not believe that the bankers should have gotten away, what seems to be "scot free" though and many of them should have been prosecuted and/or disallowed from working in the financial sector ever again.

Now, as for the steel works... I really hate the fact that we seem to becoming part of "China PLC"... If we lose the UK steel industry we will end up being held over a barrel. Now I'm not saying that any industry should be propped up by us "just because" but we have to remain something more than a nation of shop keepers and "Barristas"
The banks,?

Is the bank of England still state owned,?

If so, then simply protect people's money by issuing promiser notes from there, let's call them bank notes, issued in various denominations, 5,10,20,50 etc, and let's call in all the promises from the various other banks,

They all owed the BoE their promises anyway,

Do you think the people I promise money to would be so easy to con,?
