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Has this made you change your mind about leaving the EU if you were all for staying before the steel

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Exactly,  a banknote is merely a cheque, a promisery note, that's why the only actual legal tender is a bank of England note, and why you can be refused with a Scottish or NI banknote,  

But, you can bet your ass if you or I bounce a cheque we will be held personally responsible, not so the banks it seems.

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Something else I learned only recently,

If you have a mortgage, (and I have),  the bank doesn't actually own your house, (I thought they did), it's actually your house, 

Although if you default they can repossess, it's not that simple, it's your property and they have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you have no intention or intent of paying them the money back that you promised to on the value of your house,

Basically, they have a promisery note to the value of your mortgage plus some interest, 

The problem arises in that they have loads more money than we have to fight it in court,

The one get out is this,

Ask to see the promisery note you signed, apparently less than 10% are actually retained after a few years,,,,,,

It's a strange twisted world we live in.

there's a few videos on yaow tube look for the white rabbit trust I think. 

You have the right to ask for the actual Mortgage agreement papers and if they cannot produce the paperwork then you 'loan' does not exist or something? :lol:

this might be the one...

Don't watch too many in one go it may send you bonkers...

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Hence my lack of respect for all this money bull, it is no more than an overrated scam that means so much to those that use it against us, when you understand this concept then the fear of owing money evaporates as it doesn't exist in the first place! 

Money is a funny thing really.... If you read a note it says "I promise to pay the bearer on demand £x",,,, what are they going to pay that with?
originally you could exchange the note for it's value in gold, needless to say that is now empty words, partly due to having spent our entire gold reserve during WW2.

as for bailing out steel, my opinion is that I would rather have the workers making something, retaining their pride / communities, than paying for them to sit on the dole which will probably cost more than the benefits. It's at times like this a government could really intervene, by say paying for a completely new and up to date steel works, run by the workers / management team, to make UK steel the most efficient and totally competitive with the rest of the world without subsidy. But the days of centralised state investment are long gone.

I lost my job several times to unfair Chinese trade practices. If they were truly competing on a level playing field, I wouldn't mind, but its more like boxing Mike Tyson with one hand tied behind your back. They have also 'tariffed' Korean and Japanese steel imports to China, so guess who is also going to be dumping steel into Europe.

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. The industry that put me through my apprenticeship was closed down in the 90's but although it resulted in thousands of job losses, there was no fanfare, or petitions to keep it going. Probably most were glad to see it go.

90's but although it resulted in thousands of job losses, there was no fanfare, or petitions to keep it going. Probably most were glad to see it go.

s'funny that, under the old Trory regime it was all part of the brave new world we all had to live in. So why all the fuss about 1 steel plant?????? Could it be local election time in May? Could it be Dave wants us to vote to stay in the EU?? Could it all be lies and pidgeon-poop before they allow the plant to close after the May elections??? X(

I can't see this steel busines is going to encourage anyone to vote to stay in the EU. The amount of times they have said on the news "we can't do that because of EU rules" I would say it must be boosting the out vote.

Yet other EU countries can protect their steel industries.....

Did make me laugh when some EU official woman was on TV saying how they could help pay for retraining courses etc etc, which apparently is a pot of money UK governments has never accessed.
