Product name.... Is this a bad choice or good choice???? "Sticks Like ...."..........!!

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I have used the adhesive and I think its great. It takes a while to dry, can be used on two non porous surfaces and even on polystyrene without any detrimental effects.

I have never used the other biodegradable stuff as an adhesive, never seen it sold in a tube, so cant really comment. Also I think there is a lack of quality as it can vary in consistency and texture so you may never know what you are getting!

Erm...think I am going to change the subject as only geriatrics talk about poo and stuff lol!

just thinking aloud

there could be legal issues here

well lets consider the less intelligent people of this country

Sticks like sh##

why should i buy that,,,,,,i produce my own everyday i will use that !!!!!

Well I know that "sticks like sh*t" does seem to stick things quite well.

The other one, I've never tried.

But when I was a boy, the expression my dad always used was "sticks like sh*t to a blanket"

Now one can imagine, with a blanket being all fluffy, that sh*t may indeed stick quite well to it.

When someon'e done scientific test on the matter, do come and tell us the results, with pictures :coat

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I dunno, I recon after a curry you could use it instead of conduit glue.

Well , I tried fastening some stainless steel splashback in the new kitchen with Pinkgrip [rename that product 'Pantsgrip'] waste of time in this situation. Any other time I have used it it has been superb. Ended up using silicone instead. Not tried 'sticks like effluent' yet, I will get a tube to carry in the van to try next time................. :coat
