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Junior Member
May 24, 2011
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There is a rcbo in the consumer unit in my mams house, its a MEM memeria 2000 and the rcbo is integral with the main switch,

it tripped the other day when a light bulb blew. then it woudnt lock in when the new bulb was replaced.

after removing every appliance in the home, and anything that used power, we stil coudnt get it to lock in ?

it woud only lock in with the little white wire removed from the m.e.t.

after about 3 hours with no power, we went back and it locked in.

any ideas why that would be ?

could there was an earth fault from somewhere ?

MEM2000 IIRC has to be pushed down then up before it will latch,

Could that have been the problem?

And maybe it was pure luck you done this without realising on the last attempt?

Is this an RCBO (shock & overload protection), or an RCD (shock only), we are talking about? you suggest it is part of the main switch, but a main switch does not have any overload protection that an RCBO has.

Doc H.

MEM2000 IIRC has to be pushed down then up before it will latch,Could that have been the problem?

And maybe it was pure luck you done this without realising on the last attempt?
+1. they have 3 positions, off, tripped and on. you if tripped, you need to turn it off before on

" Is this an RCBO (shock & overload protection), or an RCD (shock only), we are talking about? you suggest it is part of the main switch, but a main switch does not have any overload protection that an RCBO has ."

there is no main switch, its straight from the cut out to the consumer unit, the switch is on the right hand side and it is a rcd, but there is this white wire going to the earth which made me think it was a rcbo ?

its an old house with a tt arrangement, but it has a p.m.e. type earthing arrangement, its just not connected. must have been fitted a while ago when the house was renovated by the last owner (about 10 years ago )

(i have seen these converted to p.m.e.)

we do have a tester on one of our work vans, but i wont be able to borrow it until the weekend.

and yeah,i may have reset it by mistake, inadvertently lol .

cheers guys.

I think its an RCD mem do have a lead from them to the earth bar that is why you can't test them with the old robin testers and they are electronic devices.
