Rewirable fuse board question

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Junior Member
Oct 21, 2011
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First post here so hello to any readers!

Just wanted a quick confirmation about a rewirable fuse board, as this has been nagging me. I was at a house earlier & noticed one of the fuses had the 2 dots on the opposite side to the rest of the fuses. Is this ok? Can you actually put a rewirable fuse in the wrong way round? Is it potentially dangerous? I've not had much dealing with these boards but whenever ive seen them before they've been uniform. Daft question possibly, but it was at a friends house so just wanted to check for their safety really.

Thanks in advance for any replies

The answer to your questions are yes and yes,,, they will fit (ish) upside down, and because it is (ish) they don't fit correctly and leave a portion of the pins exposed which is obviously dangerous

Welcome to the forum by the way,,, why not introduce yourself?

so how does that work when you change to 1361s then?

Im pretty sure its the carriers that are offset slightly, not the holders,

MEM are that way set up IIRC

Thanks all, and cheers for the warm welcome.

To intro myself, im a 28 year old 'improver', currently working on minor works and assisting sparks when they need me. As i'm still fairly new to the game, I only do work i'm comfortable with & rewirable boards i'm not really familiar with apart from understanding their function (so I try not to touch them).

I was just worried about risks if a fuse were to be 'jammed' in the wrong way. All the circuits were working in their house, so that side of things worked. They're getting a new CU in the next few weeks so shouldn't be an issue for long hopefully (if at all :D )

I knew what I meant.!

but, yep, you are correct,

Im pretty sure thats only wylex though that did that.

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MEM would have more issues with the horizontal pins

I knew what I meant.!but, yep, you are correct,

Im pretty sure thats only wylex though that did that.

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MEM would have more issues with the horizontal pins
Wylex and the total bag of utter sh1te that is branded by CEF as Protec Centaur have offset pins..........Coat

I think it should be fine then, there was about a 2mm gap between the carrier and the socket, I think i'm prob just being over cautious. I think I need to overcome thinking about every miniscule 'potential fault' I see... sending myself crazy over nothing probably. Cheers again

Give him a call tell him to turn fuse box off and turn it round job done. I have seen quite a few like that so probably nothing to worry about although they may have been low current circuits. Welcome to the forum by the way.
