Sectt Test

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Hi and welcome to the forum

I can't answer the question directly, but it is nice to have someone on the forum that I can refer to as "up North" (I'm in Easter Ross, and just about everyone on here is "down south")

Surely it can do no harm to sit the test before you find a placement? do you have a placement in mind, if so ask them.

Unfortunately I did my apprenticeship darn sarf a long time ago, so apart from what I can read on the web thingy, I don't unfortunately know anything about sectt.

This test is not deemed mandatory but most employers won't hire someone who can't pass it. Deals with simple maths and physics to sort out numptys from everyone else with a brain.

Cant help you with that one but im red hot at being crap with SHL tests, if you want any tips on that! 

I done some testing with EDF a few years ago for a post grad position that was model building, simple structures, gearing and a small test on network principles.  

one piece of advice is wear a watch last lot of testing i done there wasnt a clcok in the room and they didnt think there needed to be, not sure how you was supposed to plan your time!

hi just wondering if you have to sit the sectt test before applying for an apprentiship or can you do it if you get a place

Answer to your question....

Bu99ered if I known...

But thought for the ady..

How much does this SECTT test cost??????

If it ain't going to break the bank then do it!!!


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I seem to remember that you sit the sectt test for free and if you pass then your name is added to a list that is passed round employers that are looking for apprentices.

They are a great organisation, very helpful. You also gt assigned a training adviser that visits you at work and is available if you have any problems or questions.

This test is not deemed mandatory but most employers won't hire someone who can't pass it. Deals with simple maths and physics to sort out numptys from everyone else with a brain.
I have been giving an adult apprentiship from my employer worked as a mate for last 9 years. Will I need to sit the secct test ?

lol aww I won't expect an answer soon then. I phoned secct today anyway and I do need to sit the secct test. Anyone out there sat it recently ? Wondering how hard the maths questions are ?

I sat it 3 years ago and it's basic maths and problem solving :) what college will you be going to? An ProDave I'm North of the border as well lol, wee town called Girvan in South Ayrshire :)
