seen this today

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Junior Member
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Went to a job today to check the electrics for a customer as he is going to rent it out.It is currently not occupied thankfully. Went to look at the supply and found this(attached pictures).I have phoned western power and they are going to sort it, needs a new cut out. Left the fusebox off with no fuses and warning notice attached.Anyone seen this before old rewirable like this?



Never seen a cut-out without a cartridge fuse in - apart from a bit of DIY where someone put wire in its place.
ive seen a few with fuse wire like pic above.

service heads like this should be reported to DNO. apart form the fuse wire and not a fuse, they are metallic and dont have an earth, and if the fuse wire melts near the top, then the remaining can fall over and touch the case
