Technology is here to stay, an it offers a lot of improvements over the "old" way of doing things. I've seen it jump leaps an bounds in factory automation.
Yes IoT isn't perfect, but it's still pretty new. Only really been present for 10 years. It'll keep improving.
I imagine if you were born before electricity was widely used you'd have a similar argument against using it over gas lighting.
Oh an as for the tablet, most have a cellular connection for internet, so would work fine without the broadband
Her tablet didn't, lol. I'm not against progress by any means, I remember when I was starting out in the trade, cordless drills, yeah they'll happen, and sds drills, well they were few and far between, today I use cordless more than plug in, drills, saws, grinders, you name it and I've probably got a cordless version. The thing I don't like is how lazy and antisocial technology has made people.
Not too long ago, we got these things called mobile phones, they allowed you to be 'in, when you were out' and they were handy, nowadays most people have one, but don't use it except for the internet and texting, the voice function seems largely to have been forgotten. People will text someone rather than give them a call, and they seem to have become less intelligent since the mobile phone became a 'smart device'. How many people do we get on here asking a question such as 'where can I get a such and such', it would take them less time to look on Google for the answer than it does to sign up on here, post the question, and wait for one of use to google it for them. The same thing applies to wiring, ' I've removed a light switch there was a 3 core, red, yellow and blue, and a twin, red and black, I've taken the old switch off and don't know how to fit the new one', well, isn't this where the camera on the phone would be useful?
I have a relative and they are so hooked on the internet it's pathetic, one is sat on one side of the room, one on the other, both on their phones, the baby does something funny, they'll actually text each other, " hey look, she's just shook her new rattle, lol" the other replies, "yes really funny, lol". FFS they are in the same room, talk to each other!
Technology is fine when it's improving things such as lifestyle, or jobs etc, but the way it's going no, I don't like it. I've got that way now that I generally ignore text messages, especially when they go along the lines of, "having problems with my electrics, any idea what's wrong". Now, it could be anything, what problems are you having, have you no power at all, is it just a light out, give me a clue! But oh no, they either expect me to spend about half an hour batting texts back and forth, or for me to ring them, well if you want my help how about this for a novel idea, why don't YOU ring me?
You can probably tell by this post I'm turning into a grumpy old git because of this. lol