Someone Is Going To Get It In The Morning!

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Jono Pashley

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2008
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Did a job for a large store where their car park is controlled by one of these cowboy outfits with ANPR cameras, reg number in signing in book and handed to store manager to log the vehicle in...Open the mail today to find noone bothered and the monkeys think they will get £100! So in the morning they will be told where to insert their unenforcable ticket and the store will be informed they get it struck off or i add £150 to their invoice :)

Actually looks like something a 5 year old drew up not even the correct spelling of my name...they are going to need the link to Anusol when im finished.

You could tell the company you was not in charge of the vehicle and give the store managers name and store address as the contact details.

I read of a similar case where somebody visited a motorway services on the way to a job.

2 hours later on the way back he visited the same motorway services.

He then got a bill for staying more than 2 hours. Something also along the lines of "return prohibited within 2 hours"

It makes you wonder if they actually want your business, because if that happened to me, it would be the very last time I visited any of that chain of shop or services.

I'm sure in your case it will get nulled once someone at the shop gets off their aris and talks to the carp park company.

So, it is an invoice eh!!!! Well that is interesting, because then they have to show "offer, acceptance, and consideration [payment]" without all three, any contract is null and void. Did you agree to pay £100 to park in the car park while you worked in the shop?? I think not!! In the bin with it!! What signs were there?? Did you "consent to the risk" ??

Like you said, total muppets...


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They do  not have the power to "fine " anyone  £100 or whatever .  Only , I believe , the police or local council parking warden Dept.

Our local ASDA uses a parking control firm ...Mrs Deke parks in disabled bay as usual ,  some people she knows pull in the  next bay , they talk as they get wheelchair out, missus forgets to put blue badge on dash.  

We receive a "fine" of £70   for parking without a badge.   Phone to say we are not paying , bugger off.     Receive waiver in the post .

Car parks on the outskirts of the city were being filled by commuters driving to the outskirts , parking all day free and taking the bus to work in city centre.

Also supermarket car parks near Villa Park were filled on match days ..hence the parking control .

Rather than "fines" City centre supermarket car parks up here have a barrier for entry and exit. the car parking charges per hour are displayed at the entrance, but are reduced to £0 for the first two hours if you buy some shopping in the supermarket.

No issue of fines, clearly displayed pricing, and if you choose to stay longer, you just have to pay the parking charge before you can get out.  Nice, simple and fair.

There was one car park in town that was manned by a man in a hut. All you had to do was wait until he had gone home for the day, and you could exit for free.

I do recall parking a Pen Y Pass car park the day we walked the Snowdon Horseshoe. We arrived and set off on our walk before the car park hut opened. By the time we got back, he had closed and gone home. So we never did pay to park there. I was surprised an invoice for the parking fee was not left on the car.

just ignore it. only fines from the police or council can be enforced

a few month back i had a few hours to waste in london before starting night shift. parked in a retail park car park (only about 10% full at most) at the back out the way

whilst killing time, 2 blokes turned up, parked next to entrance and installed a sign with parking charges etc.

few days later i get an 'invoice' for staying longer than 2 hours

ignored it, never heard anything else from them

Most of the posts here are wrong. When clamping was banned last year other new laws were brought in. I cant find the government web site for this but as long as correct signage is used a 'fair' price can be charged for over staying or not paying. This is based on lost revenue & costs to recover  the money.  It is also now  an offence not to answer the letters sent by the various parking companies weather they are the land owners or not. This link may be a bit better than most and be aware of old web pages from before the changes or people still wrongly saying just ignore them when searching.

In the Jono's case here   this is enforcable but you have strong mitigating circumstances beyond your control so the invoice should be cancelled, but i bet it wont be easy.

Of course Jono's other option is to put it on his invoice as "expenses for Parking Charges" if it has to be detailed, or just add it on to the lump sum, and get the client to pay.

At the entrance to our local, new, retail park there is a sign at the entrances of the car park

'Max 3 hours stay... you entered at XX:XX'

How are they trying to encourage people (mainly women) to shop there,, with Tescos, Next, Boots, Costa, Pound land, etc. with that kind of restrictive parking.....

I mean what woman can make a decision that quickly? ;)

also depends on parking charges - i.e if parking is free but limited to 2 hours, then they havent actually 'lost' anything if you stay longer, so cant charge....

have a look at
That is not correct since the change in law last year. A £100  fee is the amount mentioned in the legislation as being a fair amount

At the entrance to our local, new, retail park there is a sign at the entrances of the car park

'Max 3 hours stay... you entered at XX:XX'

How are they trying to encourage people (mainly women) to shop there,, with Tescos, Next, Boots, Costa, Pound land, etc. with that kind of restrictive parking.....

I mean what woman can make a decision that quickly? ; )
and thats only the 1st item in the 1st shop!  :eek:
