Sounder Circuits

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
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sounders on a large staircase is it one every floor you go down ?surely?

No. Apart from a house, stairwells are normally all hard surfaces with nothing in them so sound travels further. Also you would not normally be hanging around the stairs All cases are different though and have to be assessed accordingly

No. Apart from a house, stairwells are normally all hard surfaces with nothing in them so sound travels further. Also you would not normally be hanging around the stairs All cases are different though and have to be assessed accordingly
So these sounder circuits are wired 1st floor,2nd floor etc and theres a sounder in every room plus corridors,plus what your saying for one sounder on the staircase might aswell have an end of line sounder on the staircase off one of the sounder floor circuits for what it is?
The ammount of sounders depends on a gazzillion factors to which you have mentioned one, a staircase!

on larger buildings I normally zone the stairwell
I know the zones for breakglasses and detectors,I just wanted to know examples of how to do the sounder circuits really.Correct me if im wrong say a school building every class will need a sounder aswell as a corridor sounder and any staircases?one in each of them?
The fire alarm system and all sounder circuits should be designed to fulfil the requirements.Sounders should be installed to alert all persons to the event of a fire, giving them early indication for safe evacuation.

The requirements are clear by definition and that is that the sound level in decibels should be 75, and clearly audible above normal background sound, this may require additional sounders to be installed to comply with this requirement. Fire doors will reduce sound levels, as will insulated wall structures which is why when testing each room is tested for sound pressure.

The fire alarm standards, BS 5839 do not stipulate sounder zones. Only that you must have more than one circuit. For along time now most panels, however many detection zones only had 2 sounder circuits. Some current model panels still have only 2 sounder circuits but most now have a sounder circuit for each detection zone. How they are connected is up to the designer. Some systems have different tones for evacuation or warning only to help evacuation, so those have to be zoned to match the detection.

I'm sorry to change the topic.. new to this site and couldn't figure out how to start a topic. Has anyone had any experiences with a BPS-6 serving old Wheelock Horn/Strobes.. and then adding a few System Sensor Horn/Strobes on the same circuit? My temporal tone is fine.. but I can't seem to get the Strobe to flash at all. Viewed all cut sheets and still no luck. Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated!

