Such A Tragedy

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Nov 11, 2010
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Whilst strolling around near the river this morning at about 11 a.m., I noticed some of our nations beloved and best known politicians, namely Mr's Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and Farage in some distress splashing around in the water. They were struggling to stay afloat and trying to climb over each other to get out. If they didn't get help soon they would surely drown. Being a responsible British citizen and abiding by the law of the land which requires you to help those in distress, I informed the police, coastguard, and the fire brigade.

It is now 10 p.m., they've all drowned and none of the authorities have responded. I'm beginning to think that I wasted three stamps.

I hope the stamps were self adhesive....i would not waste my spit on any of them

Bunch of rimming twonks, the lot of them

One looks like Grommits twin and cannot eat a bacon cannot tell which part of his face is actually looking at you

Prime minister dare not even turn up for televised debates....what does that tell you

I would imagine that 99% of the rest of them are fiddly diddlers just awaiting the door knock

We had a local tw@ knocking for our supporrt on was pisshing it down. Kept him on the step for about 15 minutes whilst I stood undercover holding a nice hot coffee. At the point his oversized rosette fell to pieces due to "damp" i let him go on his merry wet way

Just saying

Whilst strolling around near the river this morning at about 11 a.m., I noticed some of our nations beloved and best known politicians, namely Mr's Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and Farage in some distress splashing around in the water. They were struggling to stay afloat and trying to climb over each other to get out. If they didn't get help soon they would surely drown. Being a responsible British citizen and abiding by the law of the land which requires you to help those in distress, I informed the police, coastguard, and the fire brigade.

It is now 10 p.m., they've all drowned and none of the authorities have responded. I'm beginning to think that I wasted three stamps.

its 9.10am... ill be watching them at 11 to see if they do drown...

On the subject of fiddly diddlers...

Has everyone noticed that all the radio one DJ's [and the like] that were all persued in a BIG way by the CPS [including those that allegedly "felt a girls bum" 40 years ago] all messed about with girls, but ALL the political types that have without doubt committed grave offences, AND have ALL, without exception, proved to be completely above the law, all messed about with boys....

What does that tell you.....

One law for one man, another for political chaps that bat for the other side.....


Whilst strolling around near the river this morning at about 11 a.m., I noticed some of our nations beloved and best known politicians, namely Mr's Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and Farage in some distress splashing around in the water. They were struggling to stay afloat and trying to climb over each other to get out. If they didn't get help soon they would surely drown. Being a responsible British citizen and abiding by the law of the land which requires you to help those in distress, I informed the police, coastguard, and the fire brigade.It is now 10 p.m., they've all drowned and none of the authorities have responded. I'm beginning to think that I wasted three stamps.
I would not have wasted the stamps!

Useless bunch, the lot of them.

If I had my way career politicians wouldn't be allowed to stand for election or re-election. Minimum 20 years working in the private sector should be the entry criteria

saying it! One law for one man, another for political chaps that bat for the other side.....

s'funny we used to lampoon the genuine politicians like Michael Foot, Skinner and Enoch Powell, and now we have bland career cretins.....

Keep laughing at Cleggy, who seems to be under the impression he will have any MPs left after this election and hold the balance of power again :slap

s'funny we used to lampoon the genuine politicians like Michael Foot, Skinner and Enoch Powell, and now we have bland career cretins.....

Keep laughing at Cleggy, who seems to be under the impression he will have any MPs left after this election and hold the balance of power again :slap

Would that be so bad if he did?

Strikes me a Coelition of other could be a disaster, at the VERY LEAST he has got Government experience at Westminster....... unlike most of the other small parties....

Am yet to see any blue signs up yet, lots of red and green ones a few orange and I no purple out of fear of reprisals I suppose :C
I would never display any political allegience on my property, and I'm there are many others with the same view.

Here's a little know fact:

2010 general election result for Scotland:

42% Labour - 41 seats

19% Liberals-11seats

20% SNP - 6 seats

17% Conservatives - 1 seat

So the SNP got more votes but fewer MP's - there's going to be a lot of the on the 7th May across the whole UK

I think the 2 old parties need to be clear about their coelition promises

Cleggy hasn't quite worked out that the Lib Dems were the mouthpieces for all the bad news announcements early in the parliament, they have therefore been tagged in peoples minds as the culprits - very shrewd move on behalf of the Tories. One of my neighbours is a Lib Dem candidate, and even he is telling me core Lib Dem supporters are more likely to vote Labour this time, so in short I think the Lib Dems will end up with very few MPs, possibly none as a result of tactical voting. In reality as the centre party they should be dominant, but people just don't work that way, and both right and left have moved inot the centre ground. The Lib Dems aren't a bad thing Murdoch, just not in the real world at the moment and clearly aiming to share power with the Tories again.

It is a great shame they messed up the PR vote when they had a chance to get it through parliament, then votes and MPs might actually reflect what the people of Britian really want and break this 2 party non-sense we seem to be stuck with


A 2 bed flat near a half decent education establishment is £500k + round here! North London N22 about 2 miles from Tottenham.

God only knows what a 6 bedroom detached house with deer in the back garden is worth these days???

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