Swansea beat Reading 4-2 to win their place in the Premiership...

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Feb 6, 2008
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Congratulations to Swansea on their great win over Reading Today (Monday 30th May 2011) in their Division 1 nPower Final at Wembley, and their promotion to the Premiership.

Well done lads, you have made Swansea and all of Wales proud. :Applaud :Salute


The second of Readings goals was a home goal off of Swansea Citys number 24: Joe Allan.

Not that it matters now. What a game that was - and that is coming from someone who doesn't like footy.

Well, I have to comment, what a result and from another that don't really like football!

I did not think I would listen, however, when I left KME's the radio came on, & the Swans supporters were singing "Hymns & Arias", that got me hooked!

I must be honest until today, I had not realised that it was for the Premier League, i.e. the "old" 1st division!

I thought it was for whatever the 2nd div is now!

I still thought the Swans were in what would have been the old 3rd div!

Shows how much I follow footie.

HOWEVER, this HAS to be good for Wales, & hopefully especially Swansea!!!

Well done lads!!!

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Im not a football follower either,BUT,

I was of the opinion it was the 'English' premier league, ;)
It is called that, but next season it will have to be called the English and Welsh premier league, if they want to be politically correct that is :innocent

Oh and well done the Swans :Applaud

I knew this would happen !!!! Normally a football thread on here is totally ignored , but its all different when a Taff team actually wins something :yawn ......oh yes .all of sudden they're all Swans supporters ...... forgot rugby now havn't they ........oh yes kicked that into touch.....they'll all be soccer fans now Swansea are in the Premiership.

Oh well , congratulations :ApplaudGuinness:good luck: :Welcome: and see you at Villa Park .

everybody is jumping on the bandwagon just because its a Welsh team thats been promoted

for me the best news this season was that Brighton and Hove Albion can finally move into their new stadium after years of faffin' around by the council and every other numpty person who didnt think it was a good idea......

Anyway back to the Swansea,,,,,,,,,,its good that a lower tier team makes it to the top flight.Gives the likes of West Ham a kick up the bum

shame though Blackpool went down

forgot rugby now havn't they ........oh yes kicked that into touch.....
FPMSL :slap :slap :slap

That's a cracker, Sandra.

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Considering the Swans club was sold for a Pound in 2001 and the swans nearly failed to exist as a football team, the past and present managers since then, have done an above "fantastic" job. (as have the players).

In that case I wish them the best of luck , I didn't know that. As Theo says , its good to see a smaller club working their way up . They get a mega payout ,I believe , for entering the Premiership so that should help .

Its the wood work that saved the Swans from getting beat by Forest, that and Billy Davies abysmal tactics and team selection, I see De Vries is off to wolves today. Good luck to Swansea, dont do a Derby (11 points in a season)


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