But I think the OP was asking about something labelled Pl which is probably Permanent Live.
(who took this thread off topic by talking about Pi??? :innocent )
From previous track record of posts....
I don't think the OP has a clue what he is asking..?!?!?!? :coat
Lets consider the facts:-
1/ There is a question about a Honeywell wiring centre..
2/ The OP has access to the internet.. (proven by virtue of the the question posted on here!!) :B-
3/ A quick internet search for Honeywell easily brings access to their OWN site ..
which includes an abundance of info and help about products and wiring...
4/ One such document is the the Honeywell Wiring Guide..
which can be found here..
5/ A brief read of this document shows on numerous pages...
a terminal designated PL..
with a little line representing the wire going to the "Live" connection at the "Pump"..
6/ So what conclusion would a competent person come to...
with the evidence of "Live" "Pump" & "PL" all at Honeywell's own website.....
7/ Yep you are correct..
the answer is...
I had better ask on a forum what "PL" stands for!!!!!!!!!
headbang headbang headbang headbang