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Tony S

© Honorary Lifetime Member
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Sep 24, 2012
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Resting under the Major Oak.
I started this thread as an appreciation of the NHS, how it was founded and progressed. Not as a political rant.

It was still finding its feet when I was born and has always been there as and when I needed it. I owe my life to them.

One of the programs had me chuckling. A Bedford TJ ambulance, I learnt to drive in one.


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Like or loath the NHS they have been there when we needed them. I still have a fond and close acquaintance with them, as am still totally NHS trained, and well trained at that.

I remember the old Bedfords Tony, an arse to drive unless you could change gear correctly. I do miss my job,or role, but do not regret leaving.

The guys now running the electrical side are not up to scratch in my opinion. Its not the guys doing the installs, its the top guys that have no idea. Its all leaders and managers now, we used to do it all in house, with little downtime and more efficient.

Sign of the times I suppose.

All these suggestions of paying for drunks and no shows is all very well but how do you propose to carry it out. Do you refuse to treat the alcoholic that has fallen of the wagon after doing really well for the last 12 months?   Leave someone in the waiting room in agony until they cough up?  What makes the NHS here so great is that no matter what you get treatment. If privatisation was to occure having a NHS free at the point of use is essential. The only way to charge people would be to have insurance and then the insurance company would have to pay the charge that in turn would recoup the cost in the following years premium. 

I think treatment costs should be linked to your NI number and then based on the amount of irresponsible usage costs your NI goes up or down. 

The whole charging drunks thing is a red herring. One night i was the victim of a unprovoked attack by a couple of coke heads. I had to go to a&e to get a few stitches but i also had a few pints onboard, should i have been charged for the service just because i was out socialising before i was jumped?

The whole charging drunks thing is a red herring. One night i was the victim of a unprovoked attack by a couple of coke heads. I had to go to a&e to get a few stitches but i also had a few pints onboard, should i have been charged for the service just because i was out socialising before i was jumped?

You are being plain stupid now.

how much is spent on Health Care abroad, is no doubt an indication that they probably invest in technology, which improves care and efficiency, and also shows they give a **** about their own people..

The biggest threat to the NHS budgets is actually cost cutting services elsewhere, such as mental health, adult care, nursing home care, disabled care, home help etc etc. Everytime this governmant slashes local government financing by 30%, guess what gets hit???? And as there is no-wjhere else to go, the Hospitals end up picking up the pieces and meeting the budget cuts from their budgets. Sp forget all this Tory pidgeon-poop about increasing spending on the NHS (though not in-line with inflation or rising demand from an ageing population) in reality their budgets are being hit hard via the backdoor.

Oh I almost forgot the most important bit, when the NHS is finally broken by the perfect storm of too much demand and not enough money, guess who will use that as an excuse to use private medical care suppliers who will in fact cost us more money, at least 20% more becuase that is what shareholders expect as a return on their money, minimum   bad day explode

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I have to admit I find it highly bemusing that we quite happily pay for insurance for our homes and vehicles (material things) but think it obsurd to pay for our health?? 

And before anyone jumps, there will always be the haves and have nots it's the mentality of the human race, but here's the thing the alleged poor people seem to always find a few bob for the alcohol or the cigarettes or the drugs or the tattoos but finding something to aid them to stay alive heaven forbid that's a human right! Well is it really? 

Only today I've lost a relative to a severe heart attack didn't he have the right to live? 

So please cut the lettuced about politics and pull the stick from your own eyes and see what we as a race are really valuing people as? Are we just a commodity or are we real? 

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I have to admit I find it highly bemusing that we quite happily pay for insurance for our homes and vehicles (material things) but think it obsurd to pay for our health?? 

And before anyone jumps, there will always be the haves and have nots it's the mentality of the human race, but here's the thing the alleged poor people seem to always find a few bob for the alcohol or the cigarettes or the drugs or the tattoos but finding something to aid them to stay alive heaven forbid that's a human right! Well is it really? 

Only today I've lost a relative to a severe heart attack didn't he have the right to live? 

So please cut the lettuced about politics and pull the stick from your own eyes and see what we as a race are really valuing people as? Are we just a commodity or are we real? 

We do pay for our health through NICs. 

Really, didn't realise the nhs was so cheap, if that's the case what's all the fuss about budget cuts cos my Nic contributions haven't gone down? 

Sometimes Essex you really do show your age. 
