Thinking of taking on an apprentice

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Distinguished Member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucestershire / Cotswolds
Well, as some of you know, for about 18 months I have been working eves and weekends for myself and full time for my employer mon - fri. I have decided to make the break now but my 'business partner' has decided that he may take a well paid job instead of embarking on a new venture with me. Am gutted because he has had cold feet after we both told our boss of our intentions yesterday and that we will be giving notice next week. He has another job lined up and prefers the guarantee of a salary rather than taking the uncertainty of self employment.

So, I have about 6 weeks work booked up and have been dropped in it. Most of the work is stuff for 2 men ideally (rewires etc) so I am wondering if it would make sense to take an apprentice on. Does anyone know where I would start, pay scales, what my responsibilities to him / her would be? I think it would be nice to give someone the opportunity to come into the trade and in truth, it would be a cost saving as I wouldn't be paying anywhere near what my business partner would have been earning from the business. All important stuff when trying to make the break and go it alone. Any help would be gratefully received.


Not in Wales at all then, the flag confused me!

Up around your neck of he woods 2moro!

In fact used to be based in South Cerney.

The reason I asked is to identify a suitable training provider to take your apprentice on!

As you are where you are, sorry, can't help!

All the best anyway,

Thanks Paul, I also do a lot of work in Ciren /South Cerney.

Will maybe contact the JTL and CITB and see if they can offer any advice.

p.s. flag is true - am from the home of the beautiful game (not bloody footy) ;)

You where talking of dropping Part P last week and now you are making the break as you no wonder your mate has got cold feet.seems to me you need to make a decision and stick to it.

Thanks Paul, I also do a lot of work in Ciren /South Cerney.Will maybe contact the JTL and CITB and see if they can offer any advice.

p.s. flag is true - am from the home of the beautiful game (not bloody footy) ;)
But still waiting to win the ultimate trophy though the Webb Ellis :innocent ROTFWLROTFWLROTFWLROTFWLROTFWLROTFWLROTFWL

You where talking of dropping Part P last week and now you are making the break as you no wonder your mate has got cold feet.seems to me you need to make a decision and stick to it.
That's an interesting tone for a first post! :yellow card

Hi Cirrus , I was about to suggest the CITB or JIB , or a small ad in a local paper .

Rewires can be done on your own but not easy without someone pulling ,pushing, fishing etc.

Nice of your "mate" to drop you in it.

If the jobs are on a time limit you could get another local sparks to help as a subbie for a few weeks.

Regarding the apprentice , would you settle for a mate /labourer instead , on a self employed basis . I say that because employing someone is a big step and a PITA .

And Nil Desperandum, 6 weeks work is good in this climate!!

Does anyone know where I would start, pay scales, what my responsibilities to him / her would be?
As Sidewinder hinted at, best way would be find a local training provider for advice, they will sort out NVQ/College etc. and (very importantly) sort out government funding, etc. They would also help you with selection (at least the one's round here do).

Know it's not your area, but take a look at this:

to get some idea of what they do.

Sorry if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs!

Sorry i didnt realise i needed your approval,nice yellow card BTWWet Fish
You don't need my approval, nor did I say you did.

If you know everything, then your tone is fine, if you have anything to learn, you may want to moderate it.

Only my opinion, you can of course please yourself (with my approval).

I had a lad with me last year from school for 3 days a week, and an apprentice.

The 15 year old lad who was not able to go above 3 steps on the ladders and was not allowed to use any power tools was more help than the apprentice.

I would go for a labour only, or improver just to give you a hand. I am fully booked until at least June next year, and I will have to take on more men but only when I know the jobs will pay enough could I afford to do so.

As an employer paying say

I had a lad with me last year from school for 3 days a week, and an apprentice.The 15 year old lad who was not able to go above 3 steps on the ladders and was not allowed to use any power tools was more help than the apprentice.

I would go for a labour only, or improver just to give you a hand. I am fully booked until at least June next year, and I will have to take on more men but only when I know the jobs will pay enough could I afford to do so.

As an employer paying say
You where talking of dropping Part P last week and now you are making the break as you no wonder your mate has got cold feet.seems to me you need to make a decision and stick to it.
Hmm, not quite with you here. I haven't talked about dropping part p iirc. I have said that I don't know why we bother sometimes but truthfully, I like others need my NIC reg in order to legitimately carry out my work so intend to keep it on no question about it.

As for my mate getting cold feet, you don't know the facts so best not try to make any assumptions eh? The reason he wants stability is because a) he is in his early 20's, B) he is getting married and c) it is a big step for him to take. I on the other hand am nearly 40, been in business before and therefore have no illusions and know exactly what is involved and how to calculate risk.

Welcome to the forum pal!

You where talking of dropping Part P last week and now you are making the break as you no wonder your mate has got cold feet.seems to me you need to make a decision and stick to it.
Hey Sparky chris... Everyone on this forum is entitled to an opinion ,but there are acceptable ways of voicing them....and yours wasnt...take it easy mate, you can gain a lot from discussing topics here,... in the main its a very user freindly place- just look back over some of the posts for proof of that. I myself am guilty of strongly stating my opinions on topcs but i would like to think the opinions are voiced in a constructive way and never in a personal or insulting manner.........and to prove the point may I say WElcome to the Forum !

a1 Spark
