tough guy challange...

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Looks pretty tame to me.

I have never met a tough guy, I have only heard about them, during the first and second world wars.

If what they are asking is to be fearless, then I suppose I would fit the bill, I am not afraid of heights, have good upper body strength and would very easily do all the things they ask.

If you want to make sure you get a full bodied tuff guy, then face them with a challenge that could cost them a life, I doubt many would except that challenge.

My mate jumped out of an aircraft without a parachute for a bet, now thats tough. He relied on his best mate to jump out after him with a spare chute.

I know I trust my mates but enough to do that? I doubt it.

Everything for TV is about personalities and not about people who could or could not do the task, it would not be very good TV if the steriotypical geek was able to destroy the body building blue eyed ladies man.

You must be kidding !!
Seriously he did it!

I nearly did but I chickened out, not my cup of tea.

We were at freefall, it has been caught on film but I have never been able to get a copy.

I think he still jumps to this day, I was asked a few years ago to help out for the arnham rememberance day were loads of parachutists jumped to commemorate the jump in world war two. He was taking part in that jump, but have lost all contact.

I think he now lives in Leeds, but I don't want to meet him again, I am too old and stupid and may take him up on a bet.


I quite like the look of that, always wanted to do an assault course. See if all this training actually gives the stamina, discipline and mental strength needed.

I nearly did but I chickened out, not my cup of tea.
I was set a challenge (shown in the attachment below), I chickend out as it wasn't my cup of tea. :(
