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Mar 7, 2016
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Hello my name its Alfonso and I am doing a full scope electrician in Southampton.

I am just wondering if anyone else is doing the same course and could help me with the notes so I can compare yours with mine. 

Thank you very much.

from a quick google of that, you will be disappointed. and you will be very lucky if you get  a job as an electrician

look around the forum, you will soon see how much these courses are hated, and they will do nothing that is promised

Hi Andy, thank you for your replay... That's why I'm asking here as I have check it out and everyone have a really bad comment about it but I haven't got other choice as I can not cancel it... So I must try to find help really... What do you reckon? 

Sorry, but I'm not too clear what you are asking. Do you need help with your course or advice on what you can hope to do after you finish? 

Welcome to the forum Alfonso, Unfortunately there are a lot of 'training' companies out there just trying to rip people off with sub-standard courses that do not cover all essential aspects to make you a valuable commodity in the employment market as an electrician.  I have no knowledge of the course or provider you are referring to but.  All I can say is keep active on the forum and our members will offer whatever practical advice they can.

Doc H.

New venture I will like to get a little bit of help as well as know. What are my chances after I finished the course... I know I will need experience but they provide 5 weeks training plus ovbusly the qualifications 

Hi again. I started working for myself in 2014 after many years employed in a purely commercial electrical environment. If you look around the forum you will see loads of opinions and debates around short courses and DIY electrics (debates I avoid for various reasons). When you are able, private message me and I'll tell you my experience so far. 

You could ask for your money back under false advertising. Ask them a question - will you be liable for an electricians graded gold card to work on site?  That will tell you all you need to know about these courses. 

I feel for you as you have already started said course and now only realising they are thieves. 

Andy if you can not help me please don't replay as I'm trying to find someone to help not to put me down thank you 

Thank you very much essex1 I'm going to try my best a finish the course as at least I will have qualifications and after we will see what I can do... Are you still on the course? 

Andy if you can not help me please don't replay as I'm trying to find someone to help not to put me down thank you 

Thank you very much essex1 I'm going to try my best a finish the course as at least I will have qualifications and after we will see what I can do... Are you still on the course? 

Not me mate. I completed an apprenticeship. 

Ah I see unfortunately I can't afford and apprenticeship as I have 11 month old daughter and my girlfriend it's not working at the moment so I'm the only one bringin some income to the house... Thank you anyway 

It beggars belief that people complain they can't afford to train properly, and then sign a contract for £5k or so without even understanding what it is they are signing up for. These training providers have a lot to answer for, but I think blame has to fall at the feet of those signing up.

I spent months looking for the right course (and seeking advice here among other places) before I even thought about parting with any hard earned cash. Then once I did find the right course I had to wait another 10 months for it to start because I'd missed that years intake. Before you ask, I practice what I'm preaching, that it is possible to train the right way even later on in life. I'm studying while working my normal job which at the minute is 40-hour weeks, then maybe another 15-hours a week working weekends with an electrician, and then 6-hours a week at college (and God knows how many hours studying at home a week) - and this is a commitment I've made for the next 2 or 3 years to come. On top of this, I have a 9-month old, a wife who is currently on maternity leave (no pay), and a flipping big mortgage over our heads.

My point is, when you want it really bad you make the sacrifices to make sure it happens. But to part with upwards of £5k without doing a spot of research, well, I don't know what to say about that.

I would commend anyone trying to better themselves and making a future for their families. It is a shame that these training organisations play upon these type of people. It is unfortunately a hard game to enter with all the regulations and current red tape to get through to become a sparks. i wish you well Alfonsourruti with your en-devours. I am sure you will get something out of your course that will help you along but you have to understand it takes years and not weeks to be a good sparks. Stick at it and you may well end up a qualified spark eventually if you take the correct path. Some people learn faster than others and with guidance from members on here there will be jobs you will be able to undertake in order for you to at least recover your training fees. So its not all doom and gloom but just stick to your limitations and dont try to run before you can walk. With time you will learn. Good luck
