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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

When would you say are the most productive times of the year for business and when are the quiet times, ie quiet at christmas


Without a doubt for me, November and December are the busiest. Everyone wants to get their jobs done, or completed by Christmas.

Usually January and February are the quietest as everone has had their jobs done and spent all their money. However this year is breaking the trend, so far this year has seen a continuation of the pre christmas rush, and I've never been busier at this time of year. Recession, What recession?

Without a doubt for me, November and December are the busiest. Everyone wants to get their jobs done, or completed by Christmas.
Silly season. ;)

I find that January is quiet- Feb usually picks up a bit, March is quiet with the approach of end of tax year. After April 5 usually picks up again - then brisk until Dec when there is usually a mad rush up to Christmas when it dies again .
