evening all, been with a sparky mate of mine today to house were the owner is looking to have board replaced just went for a quick nosey with him really it was an old style board and not being too familiar with fuses other than modern mcbs had a look at the lighting fuse which has 2 pins and also has a small plug top like fuse inside it which was 13 amp:O, would i be right in thinking this is a cartrige fuse? and secondly both upstairs and downstairs lights off the same fuse with 3-1mm cables going into the fuse? kitchen alone had 10 50w lights in wen u include the whole house would u think its very close to its limit?
thanks for your help , basically just tryna recognise each type of fuse to keep learning . cheers
thanks for your help , basically just tryna recognise each type of fuse to keep learning . cheers