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May 6, 2010
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I took a day off Thursday after a 10 hr day on Wed, as I wanted was hoping to take Mrs SW out for a few hours, we were rid of the kids & hoped to have some us time.

Had a tel call mid morning from a client contact.

Left ans phone msg.

As of Monday I have no more work with them at all!

Not a good day for us as it turned out.

We lost a

That's a real bugger mate. It's one of those things with any business to try to spread things about so if you loose a client they are not such a loss. I imagine with the specialist areas you cover there is a lot more work out there? Take this as a real opportunity to go out and get some?

Don't know if you want to say on the open forum, but what was the reason? Even if you don't want to say I think it's important to examine it to see if there is a problem you hadn't identified. See if some good can come out of things.

Cost, which I was looking at, but not quick enough for them, they gave me no time scale on investigating the cost issue, and I was not far off finishing it and being able to offer them a cost down.

They have no one else yet to do the work, though I do sub to one company that may get it!


You are correct! :_|


The working away bit is OK in the UK, a week at a time, but the guy who was my best man, we were apprentices together, is on an 8wk stint in Uzbekistan, I can go back to the same company as he is with (I got him the job there, he staid, I left).

Money is 10x what I am on now, (yes ten times!) but I don't want to be away!

similar to myself then SW,(well the missus and kid have to take priority, as long as the mortgage gets paid),

I wouldnt make 10X my money overseas, but 3X probably,


she who must be obeyed isnt keen on it, not at this time anyway.


No mate its PAYE, and I would need to spend a few weeks in the factory catching up on the new systems since I left so they would not take that option.

I also have other customers and stuff, I'm gonna give it a punt for as long as i can, I have a few weeks work in outside this client, and that will give me a few weeks to sort out some other avenues.

I have a few other options and thoughts, still gutted!

Noz,No mate its PAYE, and I would need to spend a few weeks in the factory catching up on the new systems since I left so they would not take that option.

I also have other customers and stuff, I'm gonna give it a punt for as long as i can, I have a few weeks work in outside this client, and that will give me a few weeks to sort out some other avenues.

I have a few other options and thoughts, still gutted!
Feeling it for you mate, although 2 weeks is more than some have....

what about the other options you were talking to me about?

is there likely to be any movement on that soon?

I could take a weeks holiday if it would be of any use to you.

they tell me S Wales is nice this time of year, ;)

I have had 1 day at home in the last month, and as I write this reply I am in a service area on the M3, 4 hours from my home. My wife is used to me being away from home, having spent the last 20 years or more doing so. However I can honestly say that I can almost cope with being away, the work load distracts you whilst at work, but my wife who has put up with this for so long, does get upset when I am away for months on end.

I honestly think that the recession is only just now biting hard, and I have been through two previous bad recessions, this has got to be the one that history will call the ONE.

When it comes to paying bills, we all have to sacrifice some things,I have a strong but finely balanced relationship with my wife, without this strong base, you would not be able to work away from home.

When my youngest son (who is now 23) was 6 years old, he asked his mother who I was, thats how much time I spent at home.

I regret almost every minute, but we have to pay the bills, and if that means working away then thats what we have to do. lets face it Part P has introduced cheap electricians, who after 6 weeks or less, can do everything we do for far less money, than even the material costs, of a proper install.

I really do feel for you Sidewinder, it is a very hard choice, which we should never be forced to take.

I have worked all over for 20+years, now having been in one place for 4years I am actually finding it very hard to adjust, but I have a 3yo and a wife who wants me home at least once a week,

but, as I have said, its a very hard life for me to lead.

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