What's your favourite tool

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My favourite tool has to be my digger.

Okay no use for me as a sparky but for building my new houser the best and most fun to use purchase.  It won't be long before I have finished with it and it will be sold and gone.

How's the house coming Dave? Any recent pics?
Slowly, with just me working on it

It's almost finished outside.


Just he garage to be rendered and the garage roof to be tiled, then the outside wlll finally be wind and watertight.


I should be fitting the rof window to the back of the garage this weekend then I can start tiling.  The garage rendering is held up for the window in the back of the garage that won't be here until the end of September.

I have started on flattening the garden.


Once that's done I will have finished with the digger and that will be sold.

I then have some jobs to catch up on with the present house that has been neglected. All the woodwork needs rubbing down and re varnishing, a couple of rusted drain covers need replacing etc.

Then I can start on the interior of the new house.

It's looking fine is that. When do you hope to be in?
That's a how long is a (sore) bit of string?

We don't have the money to finish it until the old one sells. 18 months and counting.

there is still some I can do inside before we are completely bankrupt, but no money for the big ticket items, kitchens, bathrooms, heating, mvhr etc.

What you can't see in the picture is the sun room has no windows yet, that's just boarded up with sheets of OSB to keep the weather out.

We have a static caravan on the site to move into when the old house sells to live in while I finish the new one.


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Can you afford to drop the price of the old one to push on?
Not by much.

The issue is I believe house prices here are under valued as few people want to come and live here right now.  By "under valued" I mean if you were to build a house now, I think you would be lucky to sell if for what it has cost you to build.

The trouble is, if we drop the price much more, then what we get for selling our old 5 bedroom house will barely cover the cost of building the new 3 bedroom one. and if it gets to the point where it is going to cost money to downsize, then it simply is not going to happen.

Plan B is to cash in one of my pension pots in 2 years time to finish the new one then rent the old one.

Had we not persuaded the duck one to buy it :)

Haha, yes I remember that, it also included his patch, Ideal really, far far away from the inlaws It would be great!

TBH am having issues getting it ready for market, troubles with the pot heads down stairs giving us sleepless nights and the landlord is POS and doesn't give a monkeys.

On the plus side one (2 bed flat) on my road went for £545k a few weeks ago but the market is slowing down & people are scared of this Brexit nonsense, hiding their money under the bed waiting for the world to implode.


Took my Dad years to sell his place in Wiltshire... they will come eventually.



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